Chapter 22

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———— If only ————

It had been a month since the last phone call with Charlotte. I had thought that she had given up, but my gut was telling me different. I had a feeling that as soon as shooting was over, even though she wanted the part, she was still going to come.

It was the last week of filming and me and Aidan had our last scenes together, but we would all be together for Interviews and red carpet's, so I had that to look forward to.

Me and Aidan went to set, did our usual getting ready for the scenes and went down to set. For this third to last scene Five is about to go back to 2019, and is going to tell Robyn goodbye. Robyn wants to come with him and the academy but five doesn't want her to as she doesn't belong in 2019. So Robyn says goodbye, obviously seeing him soon. They kiss and part.

We took our places and got ready for Steve Blackman to say action. I looked over at Aidan who lingered in the doorway, out of shot. He smiled at me, silently telling me everything is ok. I nodded back to him.


Robyn's POV

I looked down at the bracelet five had given me. It wasn't much, just some wooden shapes on some string, but the fact that he gave it to me is more precious.

I know I shouldn't have these feelings about five and that we shouldn't be together, my mother had banned it. But something about him made me love him, I just didn't know what it was. Something attracted me to him and whenever I was away from him I, I felt like my stomach was being twisted and wouldn't untwist until I was with him again. It was doing it now, so I stood up to go and see him. I walked forward and opened the door, surprised to see five standing there, about to knock. "Oh, Hey five!" I said, throwing my arms around him. He pulled my arms out of the hug and looked down at the ground. I used my fore finger and my thumb to tip his chin up to look me in the eyes. He looked like he had been crying. "W-we need to talk." He said through oncoming tears.

We walked over to the bed in sissy's room and sat down. "Five, what's going on?" I asked him. But I knew what was going on, which twisted me stomach even more. They had to go back to 2019. "Ok, so we've been dating for a while and trust me, it's been amazing. We've helped each other through thick and thin, especially since your dad, Elliot, died." Oh yeah, that's another thing. I threatened Elliot before five came to pretend he was my dad. He obviously said yes as I put a knife to his throat. But, in a way he kind of was like my dad. My parents died when I was young so I never knew them. "Can we not talk about him, please?" I interrupted. "Oh, sure. Anyway, and you know we're from 2019, not here so, we'll, we have to go back." He looked up at me. "Oh, umm, ok." I didn't really know what to say. I really like five. And although my mother said not to get any attachments to him.

"You know this is hard for me, Robyn. I'm going to miss you, so so much. I-I" he stuttered. Tears crawled down his cheeks and dripped onto the covers of sissy's bed. "Look, look at me"I said, holding his face. "We'll be fine, as long as we remember each other and keep that memory in our hearts. Oh, I love you five." He looked back into my eyes. We gently kissed, knowing that we won't see each other again. I knew that I would have to but he wouldn't know it was me because of a disguise my mother got for me if something goes wrong, but it still hurt.

He pulled out of the kiss, looked into my eyes and stood up, standing with his back turned away from me. I could see him wiping his eyes. He walked out, whimpering again as if he was going to cry again. I waited a second and went after him. He walked out of the door, into the back yard and his family gathered around him. He gave me one last look through the window I was looking through. A blue flash surrounded them and they all disappeared, including five.

I stayed where I was, tears streaming down my face. I dropped on the ground, hugging my knees into me. I don't know how long I was there, but sissy helped me up and took me to the couch to lie me down and I fell asleep.

I only dreamt of five.


I got up from the couch and smiled when Steve said "cut". My shooting scenes were almost over, tomorrow being my last day. Aidan walked over and put his arm round my shoulder. We all clapped and cheered for me as I was nearly done.

Me and Aidan a walked into makeup and costume to change back to our normal clothes. I got a ping on my phone. "Tomorrow" was all that was said. The number had no name on top. Which could only mean one thing.

Charlotte was coming tomorrow.
Hey everyone! I'm so sorry I'm late again! I haven't had much motivation to write this week and I've been a bit busy with something. I think I won't set a schedule for myself as I'm under some stress. I'll start writing and post the next chapter when I'm ready.

Love you all!!! Thank you so much for over 4K reads! It means so much to me!!🥰😘
Ruby xxx

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