Day 7 - Part Two: The Imposter

7 0 0

4 left: Me, Michael, Allison, Ava.

6 down: Oliver, Liam, Rose, Olivia, Bennett, Sophia.

"It's done," Michael said. "It's done."

"Even if you were going to save them, we don't know how. We don't know what organs the knives could've hit, and we weren't going to take them out and let them bleed to death," I started. "Do you think they felt anything?"

"Dying? I'm not sure." Michael came and sat next to me, and I'm overcame with emotion. Tears start flooding down, and I push Michael off when he tries to hug me.

"It's nothing," I say. "I'm good."

"We shouldn't be split up," Michael said.

"I know," I say. "I just... I..."

"What?" Michael said. He knew I wasn't telling him something. "Noah, what?"

"I'm..." I say, my voice breaking. I don't say it. I leave and go with Ava and Allison.

"Is it about Carl and Alex?" he says, yelling as I walk out of the place and step outside. "Noah," he says. He motions his hand for me to come over to him. "Sit down, Noah, please-"

I sit.

"Is it about Carl and Alex? I know today was the day 2 years ago..."

"I don't care about how many years ago it was that doesn't change anything?"

"Then what's this about?"

"Not Carl and Alex!"

"Then? Then what?"

"I'm not a Gryffindor," I say. "I'm not in Gryffindor; in Harry Potter."

"That- that's it?" Michael says. "And yes you are, I know you."

"You clearly don't know me."

"What the hell is going on? Do you know who the murderer is?"

"I'm a Slytherin," I say. "I'm in Slytherin."

"No you are n-"

And I pull a knife out of my pocket, same kind I used on everyone this trip.

"I- I'm the murderer." A tear falls down my eye.

Michael's face of horror gets worse the more he looks at me, staring. "Noah, this isn't funny, it's scary-"

He starts backing up, and I say, "I'm not going to kill you."

"NO, Noah! You don't kill another person! We wait, you've killed too many!"

Allison and Ava walk in. "It's Noah?" They say in disgusted horror. "And you knew the whole time, Michael?"

"NO! I just found out! And he isn't going to kill another person here, he just got out the people he doesn't like."

"Liam would still be here if it weren't for you idiots throwing him into lava. He was right, too. So it's not that bad."

"He was right?"

"I staged the break-up with Maddie. We were together, working with each other the whole time, and she took the blame for it all. Half the stuff she said she did? It was me. She took the fall, and I acted like I was scared of her when she killed Abby. On Polus it was quite easy. I was leaving O2 and killed Oliver right outside the doors so it looked like Liam did it. You guys took care of Liam for me after that, so then next on my list was Rose."

"You killed Rose," Michael said deadly.

"I was the one telling her to go into the Specimen Room. When I told you to go into the Medical Bay and I'll be there in a second to talk to Olivia, I didn't talk to Olivia. I went and killed Abby. And that's why I was running her trail and I made the decision not to throw anyone off. If I threw someone off and I killed again, they would think it was me because I threw off someone innocent for getting another number off your side. Then at night I drilled open all the vents when you were asleep and killed Olivia myself with a knife in my pocket. And you all were gullible enough to think it was someone who had enough time to jump out of the vents!

Moonlight: An Among Us Story (Book Two)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon