Day Three: O2

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It was a quite nice morning, waking up today. No nightmares, either. The good day let it all out of our systems. I am so incredibly confident that nothing bad would be happening this trip. Maddie isn't here. We just need to hope some mission comes up and finds us here before we run out of food.

I am exploring the village for the first time, and I start seeing where people are sleeping. Allison and Ava were sleeping in Weapons, Bennett and Sophia in the boiler room, and to my surprise, walking in, Oliver and Liam making out in 02.

"Oh my god!" I say, startled. I didn't know they liked each other, or were even gay. Liam and Oliver almost immediately stop. Liam's face goes a bright red and Oliver looks away from me and Michael, pink.

"We shouldn't have gone exploring," I tell Michael.

"Agreed," he responds.


I'm in the office with Olivia, Rose, and Michael, when Liam comes in, asks me to come with him, and takes me to O2.

I watch Oliver in the outdoor Electrical area, so I know he wont' be in here with us.

"Who have you told?" Liam says, nervous.

"Liam!" I say, calming him down. "Sit down." The room had a live, growing tree in the center of it with bright grass scattered across the floor, as if it were back on earth. We both were silent for a moment.

"We came in here because it reminded us of back home," he says. "And it's far off, we wanted privacy," he smirks.

"I didn't tell anyone, and I've been with Michael all day. We wouldn't do something like that," I assure him.

"Thank you," he says, releasing air. "Nobody knows," he adds, his eyes gathering water.

"It's fine," I say. "I never knew of much of an insult it really was to call somebody gay until my father used it the night he killed my mom." Liam looks up. "He's in jail. She died in surgery from an injury he gave her that night, and I totally lied to the Jury and the law enforcements. I said he tried murdering her. He didn't actually, I mean. He wanted to threaten her, but not even injure."

"Do you feel bad for lying? He's sitting, rotting in a cell right now," he says.

"No," I add. "I don't. Even if it wasn't intentional, I want him out of my life. And they took the crying teenagers side," I say, smiling. 

"Who do you live with?" Liam asks.

"Oh, just my Godmother," I say. She's who let me come on the trip! My mom would've let me, but my dad didn't want me to. That's, actually, why the fight started in the first place," I continue. "And look, my hopefully-already-dead dad was right. I shouldn't have gone on this dumb trip. It's just another life threatening situation."

"It's hard," Liam says. "Y'know how we were going to be interviewed after this?"

"Yes," I respond.

"Well, I was going to announce it on live television. That I was gay. My mother would see it. The school, the world. It'd be out there."

"Liam," I say. He looks up at me, and I stand up. "We are going to get home. And you will be interviewed. And nobody will be dead. It will be as planned. And you just need to be excited for that! So excited."

Liam's watery eyes begin to tear. He nods, and I leave the room.

Passing Electrical outside, I nod to Oliver saying we're done talking.

Soon after, I walk back into the office, and nobody is there.

"Hello?" I say. I see through a Medical Bay window that Michael is back there, so I start heading over, assuming everyone is back.

"HELP!" It was Liam screaming, and it was filled with pain and anger. I see Michael look up through the window and dart out of the room, followed by Rose. Olivia was with Allison and Ava in a different place, and Bennett was with Sophia in a different place too. They all stepped out and we ran towards Liam's voice.

He was hovering over Oliver, who was split in half, dead; like Abby last trip.

"You liar!" Liam says. "You homophobic bitch!" He was screaming at me.

"I... didn't do this..." I say, scared.

"YES YOU DID!" He snaps. "YOU DID! You left 02! I watched you! And right outside O2 look what I found."

"I didn't kill him," I reassure. "Did that conversation not mean anything to you?"

"Clearly, it didn't mean anything to you! Cause you lied the whole time!"

"What?" I scream back.

"If you didn't kill him, someone else did. That you told was gay with me. Because I know, deep down in my heart, that this was done with homophobic thoughts. And it's why he's dead right now."

"I didn't do either of the things you're accusing me of, I'm sorry!" I say.

"Nobody else was nearby," Rose said. "I think it's you, Liam." The room went from silence to silence, but quieter.

"Wh-what?" Liam speaks. "I wouldn't do this to him!"

"You were the only one here," I say. "And everyone knows it wasn't me this time, I wouldn't this time time all of a sudden."

"What are you doing to me?" Liam screams. Bennett and Sophia have grabbed hold of his shoulders, and they're shoving him out of the building, straight through the village outside.

"What are you doing?" Ava says. Rose, Michael and Allison keep their heads down. They've been through this, and they know what's about to happen.

"If they threw off the suspects off the ship, we need to take the same action here, too," Bennet says. "I am not being murdered by the hands of you."

"STOP!" I call out.

"I hate this bitch!" Sophia yells. "He's going!" They were about to throw him into a pool of lava. He was squirming, fidgeting, and trying to get out of custody.

Then I remembered how bad it was when I threw off Luke and Rylie. The anger I felt. And Rose, Michael, and Allison suspected he killed Oliver too. They weren't going to step up.

"Majority rules," I say, stepping back.

Liam's body is dropped, and the screaming of pain abruptly stops, and it turns to panic, then calm.

"It wasn't him," I say. "They were boyfriends, if you didn't catch it from earlier. He wouldn't have done that. And last time we threw off someone innocent too. And it got us nowhere other than a destroyed ship that was on the verge of being blown up. We lost, last time. We lost. And we're two days in this time and we've got 2 people down. How much longer until we lose again?"

The area is silent. I go into the Medical Bay with Rose, Olivia, and Michael.

"Like, for real," I say. "We could've trapped him somewhere away from us. We didn't have to kill him. If he's trapped that way if we end up finding out he's innocent we could've brought him back." I tuck myself in. "Now he's gone, forever, because none of you know how to speak up." It was silent. They still think it was him.

And I clap the lights off.

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