Day Four: Storage

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8 left: Me, Michael, Rose, Olivia, Allison, Ava, Bennett, and Sophia.

2 gone: Oliver, Liam.

"Do you forgive us?" Rose said the next morning.

"Sure," I say, half-ass and half asleep. I get up and brush my teeth.

"Better than no," Rose says to the two of them.

"No, no, I forgive you. I made the same mistake last trip. We all did." Olivia walks over to me.

"How are you?" she asks.

"I'm, not okay," I say.

"You're not?"

"No, I had a great conversation with Liam before he-" I start tearing up. "He could've been a great friend to me. And I need those right now."

"Well, I can be your friend," Oliva says.

"What?" I say. "You're my friend, stop it."

"You don't know me," Olivia says.

"Well-" I say. "I mean-"

"My name is Olivia Bell. I have a twin sister named-"

"I had a friend who's last name was Bell. But, then she fell in love with a guy who had cancer. She knew the whole, but Carl, Mark, the cancer patient,'s brother, didn't know until anyone else did and she kept it a secret from Mark even though the 4 of us were best friends." She looks at me funny. "What? We were best friends, that's why you don't know about them. Alex was seeing Mark behind Carl's back so Carl got mad and left then Alex left being mad at herself and found herself new friends and-"

"Stop!" Olivia says. "I get it."

"Tell me something about you."

"I grew up in London," she says.

"You- that's it?"

"Tell me another thing about you!" she says.

"Okay- my mom is dead. My dad's in jail. He was fighting her and basically threw her head through a window, which later, in surgery, was fatal. I lied to police officers saying it was on purpose. All he actually did was try and threaten her, and you are only one of three other people here that know this. Michael and Rose. Liam did know before- but- y'know. Another thing about you."

"I live in a very large house. Here, I mean. In London I lived in an even bigger house but- your turn-"

"I'm gonna go, actually," I say.



"Honestly, I'm not even sure she's human," I tell Michael and Rose in Storage while we're eating lunch; Olivia was still grabbing food from the chests. "I tell her these sad life stories and she does nothing about them but brushes them off like crumbs on your shirt."

"I am very sure she's human," Rose says.

"Who?" we hear in an English accent. I spin around and Olivia is walking in. I turn to Rose and Michael and roll my eyes before she sits down and sees me.

"Sophia," Michael lies. "She's being a bitch to us again."

"I quite like Sophia," Olivia says. "Bennett, too. They're not bad if you're their friends."

"Why are you there friends?" I say.

"Well, I ate with them a few days ago at dinner..."

"They aren't hogging food, right? The chests won't last forever," Michael says quickly.

"They aren't pigs!" Olivia snaps. "You can't judge someone without getting to know them.

"We don't have to," Rose joins. "We don't even know them and they are rude to us. If that doesn't show character I'm not sure what does." Olivia silently picks up her tray and stands up.

"I've never been mad at people before. Not like this." She leaves the room.

"Thank god she's gone," Michael says. But I have a feeling Olivia was still close enough to hear it. Now, not only are we disagreeing with her, we're being rude. Rose giggles.

"I really wish Maddie didn't turn out to be a psycho," I say. "I'm third wheeling everything."

"At least you aren't me?" Rose says. "I'm third wheeling you two every day!" Michael smirks and Rose continues. "I actually have to go, anyway, so you two have fun." Rose gets up.

"Where are you going?" Michael asks.

"None of your business."

"We're dating? And we're trapped on the moon. I think it's my business."

"Oh, ask Noah!" She leaves.

"You know where she's going?" Michael says incredulously.

"Yes I do," I say, nothing else. Michael looks at me for an answer which I don't respond to.

"Wow, you're a great friend," he says sarcastically.

"She's just meeting someone in the Specimen Room."

"Meeting someone?" Michael says. "She's cheating on me?"

"Relax, Michael! Go back to Med Bay and relax, I'm gonna go talk to Olivia." I start heading out. "And don't go in the Specimen Room!" I add, snapping.

That night, it was me and Michael in the Med Bay (he hadn't left from earlier). Rose still hadn't shown back up.

"Really, who has she been with the whole time?" Michael says, concerned.

"I don't know," I say truthfully.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"She didn't tell me!" I say.

"Wha- then what-"

"She just told me to make sure you didn't show up in the Specimen Room."

"I am so confused."

"Relax! She said she was with someone. They're probably just making some scientific potion thing for space or some shit."

"That's like a date!" Michael said.

"It's for you!" I yell. "It's a secret. She's making a potion with someone as a surprise for you. I'm not sure who she's with or what she's making."

"Oh," Michael says blankly. "Now I feel bad."

"Uh huh," I say. "I didn't think she'd take this long though."

"How long did she say she'd be?" he asks.

"Can't remember," I say, shrugging.

"Can't remember?" Michael yells. "What if it takes until tomorrow? I'm not being separated from her that long."

Michael tries getting up and leaving, but I stop him.

Until midnight.

He gets up and runs, we sprint through a hallway, and running down I try and stop him.

"Stop! Michael! It's a surprise! It's for you!"

"Then she'd be happy to see me-" he stops moving when we go through the doors.

Michael turns around at me, coldly. A tear calmly falls out of his left eye.

And I hug him.

He asks me a question.

"Who," he says, "was with her?"

And I didn't know.

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