Chapter 25

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If you or a loved one is dealing with depression please find them some help. Some battles you can't fight on your own. Thanks for reading.

Shannon's POV

As I dump the remaining pills into my hands. I looked at myself again. I know that once I do this, their's no going back.

So I closed my eyes, hoping that Nick will be okay. I cuffed my hand where the pills remain and moved it closer to my mouth.

Oh Nick, Joe and Kevin, how good you are to me will always be cherished and missed. I promise to watch over you, along side my parents.

My trembling hand touched my lip just seconds before the door was swung wide open. There stood Joe with utter terror in his eyes. I dropped all that was in my hand and ran into his arms. The pills one by one scattered all over the navy blue title. It was almost in slow motion. Everything happened in slow motion.

Joe held me close as I broke down. I could feel his tears getting soaked up in my hair. He pulls me in front of him and stares into my cloudy eyes.

"Why are you doing this? Is it Ryan? Did he break the engagement?" I simply shook my head as he continued to stare. He knew exactly what was going on now. He knew it was a break down just waiting to happen. I was a ticking time bomb due to explode at any moment.

He quickly got to his feet and picked me up. Once he set me down on the couch, he grabbed his cellphone out of his pocket. I could barely hear what was being said on the other line. I believe it was something like, "Joe, you just had to call durning the worst possible time?..." I figured it was Nick. Joe then handed me the phone.

"Hello Shannon? Shannon are you there?.." I couldn't answer him. I had to know how much I meant to him. I had to hear it in his voice. That if I died, it would crush him.
"Shannon...please... say something. Tell me you're okay. Shay please, tell me you're... alive." His voice trembled in the beginning, than went into panic. I could hear his breath as he nervously waited for my response.

"I'm here Nick," I finally choked out. I could hear on the other side his crying of relief.

"Oh my God, don't do this to me again! Do you understand me? You scared me half to death!" He screamed into the receiver. More tears fell, since I hate getting yelled at. He started to take a few breaths then spoke again. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. You had me in quite the tussle..Are you going to be okay now? And will I still be seeing you tomorrow?" I nodded my head, than slapped myself. I heard Nick laughing on the other side. "You just nodded your head didn't you?" He jokingly asked. As I was about to do it again, I stopped myself.

"Yeah, that's what happens when you have a blonde as a best friend." Nick always seems to know how to make me feel better. I smiled and looked at Joe who was sitting next to me.

"So you're moving back up to best friends? I like that," Nick said quietly.

"Me too," I responded with the same tone. The phone disconnected and I laid my head on Joe's lap.

"Back to where we started..." I whispered sadly. Joe kissed my head then pulled me in closer.

Nick's POV

"But I still want to be more," Nick said to himself while placing his head in his hands.

I'll Be Fine A Nick Jonas Story (Book Two)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon