Chapter 21

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Nick's POV

Ryan- And we're back with three amazing guest in the studio. Let's give it up for, Shannon Werle, Joe Jonas and the one and only Nick Jonas! -applauding- So Nick just joined us a few minutes ago. How has life been treating you? We haven't heard anything from you in a long time.

Before I could answer my eyes were infatuated on Shannon. Joe sat in between us so I only saw half. But that was just enough.

My mind kept racing as I'm trying to keep my composure. But I can't stop wondering what's going on in that mind of hers. Is she still mad at me? Does she not what me here? Should I just get up and leave? Or should I stay and ignore the elephant in the room? That's clearly me? I figured I should stay. If I left now that'll leave people to wonder if I still had feelings for her.

Do I? Of course not. I'm with the most beautiful woman in the world right now.

Me- Life has been going good. I'm in a very happy relationship right now.

Ryan- Yes, Miss Olivia Culpo. She's quite the beauty. How did you two come to meet?

Me- My brothers actually set us up. We had dinner and it was just a great time.

Ryan- I'm so happy you've found someone. I was starting to get worried. -laughs- But you're Nick Jonas, you can get any girl you want.

Me- -laughs- Not all the time. I still get rejected like everyone else.

Ryan- Now that's hard to believe. Switching gears here, Shannon. Is it awkward being in the same room as your ex? I mean you haven't seen him in years. If I am correct.

Shan- I think being in the same place as your ex will always feel strange.

Ryan- And let's not forget about Joe.

Shan- The thing with Joe is that he's like my older brother. Sure we had a thing in the past, but we grew out of it. We're better off as friends.

She swung her arm over him and gave him a hug. They both smiled and laughed and acted like I wasn't here. It hurt watching them be like that. It didn't seem fair that they were able to stay friends and we couldn't. All I've been was nice and respectful towards her. It took everything in me to not call every night.

My mind raced again, but my heart couldn't keep up. I need to get this out of my head. Her and I are done.

But who am I kidding? That's just something I tell myself to ignore the pain. Do I wish for us to be done? Of course not and it breaks my heart. Maybe this performance and us being here is God's way of saying, 'Don't give up on her.' I'll never give up on her. I will fight for our friendship. I need her in my life.

Ryan- I think that's great for the two of you. Too bad you couldn't say the same about Nick.

Oh thanks Ryan, thanks for sharing that out to the world.

Ryan- Well when we come back we'll be having Shannon and Nick's performance. I'm sure you guys don't want to miss this!

Ryan took his headphones off along with the rest of us. Joe handed me a guitar and I placed the strap on. As I started to tune it Shannon walked over to me.

"Are you ready for this? This is going to be huge," she said not evening glancing at me.

"In this career choice you have to be ready for anything," I told her pulling my guitar up to my ear.

"Yeah I wished someone had told me that before all this happened." She then walked back to her seat and sat down. I'm not sure if I should be offended or not by her comment. But I get it, it's not easy for me either.

"Alright we're going to be back on!" Someone announced. I made my way to the mic stand with Shannon standing beside me. We were only a few inches apart. I could tell she was nervous by the way she bit her lip.

Ryan- And we're back with an amazing performance from Shannon and Nick coming up. Take it away you two!

I strummed my guitar as she proceeded to look down.

Me- Would you believe me if I said I was sorry?
That question wasn't meant to hurt it was just my fear of losing you.

Shan- Now you're filling all the space that surrounds you.

Both- I'll soon be tucked away underneath your bed.

Shan- Where you gave yourself to me

Me- Where I gave myself to you

Both- Maybe it's all for the best

Me- But I don't see any good in this, no

Shan- Maybe we'll find something better

Both- But the lovers that leave us will always hold a place.

Shannon lifted her head and glanced up at me. We fixed our eyes on each other.

Shan- Maybe it was wrong of me to think I could you.
Or maybe it's the last few drinks taken over my mouth and all I've been thinking.

Both- I want you to know that I'm fine here without you

Me- But I can't bring myself to lie to you.

Both- Since we're being honest I feel like I should tell you
I've been filling up the empty space between you and I

Me- Between you and I
She will never compare to you

Shan- Between you and I
I still keep your pictures underneath my bed

Me- Where she gives herself to me

Both- Where I gave myself to you

We didn't take our eyes off each other as we sang the Chorus two more times. Her eyes pierced into mine every time she opened her mouth. I couldn't help but get a little emotional inside. With every word she sang, I knew she meant it. She never wanted things to be this way. She lifted her hand in the air towards me and I softly grabbed it.

Shan- But the lovers that leave us will always hold a place.

Me- Yeah the lovers that leave us will always hold a place.

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