Chapter 22

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Shay's POV

I smiled at Nick as he finished off the song. Everyone in the studio clapped and cheered while he sat the guitar off to the side. I walked over and gave him a hug. His scent gave me a warm safe feeling. It still surrounded me as we broke apart. I stared up into his eyes as he continued to smile. I gave him another hug that lasted a bit longer. I didn't care that people were staring at us. I missed being in those arms so much.

No one will understand the true meaning of why we split. But how I fit perfectly in his embrace right now. With his chin softly on my head. It doesn't matter anymore. I'm starting to forget all the bad that has happened to us. But, I can't forget the promise I made to Ryan.

Yes, we are engaged. He asked me a couple of days ago and I said yes. I've kept the ring deep in my pocket. I'm not ready to tell the world. I'm defiantly not ready to tell Nick. But if he'd move on like he said he is, then their wouldn't be a problem. The thing is he hasn't moved on. I know him too well. He can be very sneaky on how he masked himself. I've learn that when we were teenagers. He only fooled me a couple of times.

For example when he was with Des. I had no idea he still had feelings for me. He didn't show any signs. Until the day Joe cheated me. All was revealed and it left me in a state of shock.

I couldn't stop thinking about him after that. He had buried himself a home in my head. On his internal vacations he'll let himself camp out in my heart. He enjoyed sitting by the fire that represented our love. The sparks that flew with every kiss. The flames that grew with every touch. Everything was so amazing, until he put out the fire. He packed up his belonging and returned to his home up in my head. He forgot a few belongings that I hope he'd return for. But he never did.

I never wanted to end things with him. I wanted him to come after me when I heard all the lies were false. He never did come. Was is because I blocked him out of my life? That I ignored every possible way to communicate with him?

What was I suppose to do?
I can't read minds and his is too jumbled up to even try. But now it's too late. Ryan's home is in my heart now. If only Nick knew all this time it was up for rent. He missed his chance and it hurts.

Nick's POV

After the interview she agreed to have coffee with me. We met up in small coffee shop. I knew she wasn't a coffee drinker, so I bought us hot chocolate.

Once she arrived, I pulled out her seat from the small table outside and handed her the drink. She thanked me as she grabbed it and sat down. I took my spot across from her. She looked great in her beautiful blue laced shirt and black pants.

"It's really great to see you. I'm sorry for avoiding you all these years," she said placing her cup down.

"Don't apologize, I understand. I'm just happy that you're enjoying your life here and that you're happy. You are happy right?" I asked taking a sip from mine.

"Yeah, I'm happy. Some great memories has been made out here. Some of the best I've had." I lowered my glance down to my shoes. What about all the memories we made? Do those mean anything to her?
"How about you? Are you happy?"

"Yeah, I mean I have everything a guy would want," I lied. She sighed and took my hand. She must've seen past my lie. She dropped something in my hand before she let go.

I opened it to find a beautiful ring. took it in my fingers and admired how gorgeous it was.

"What's this?" I asked praying she wouldn't say it's an engagement ring.

"Nick, it's an engagement ring," she softly whispered removing it from my fingers.

"I'm...I...I'm happy for you." I'm surprised I was able to say anything.

"I' Nick," she said wiping underneath her eyes. I was in too much of a shock that I couldn't think of anything to say back.
"I think it's time I leave. I got a new phone so here's my number." She handed me folded piece of paper. I it took from her, but had no idea what to do with it. So I just stared at it.
"I'll like us to continue being friends sometime in the future. Once again I'm so sorry." I closed my eyes hoping this wasn't real. This wasn't happening right now. Once I opened them she was gone. I gripped the piece of paper and sat there for who knows how long. My heart felt so numb. I could've sworn it stopped beating for a second. In my mind I wished it did.

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