Enemy of the Kaiuni-Chapter 2

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Enemy of the Kaiuni: Chapter 2

(as told by Radiance)

I woke up from sleep and immediately went outside. It was a little after dawn but you could still see shooting stars falling. Some weren't burning up completely in the atmosphere though.

I heard other Elandorians wake up and come outside. They seemed worried at the pebbles falling out of the sky. I picked up one of the pebbles and ripped out of it a nickel from Earth.

I ran to the pawn shop down the street and thrust the Earth object on the counter. I demanded, "How many currents can I get for it?"

"Hmm, an object from Earth. Very rare. Where'd you get it?" inquired the store's keeper.

I rubbed my thumb across my seven fingers. "More currents then, Binty."

"How about 25 currents then for the Earth object and info on where to get it?" bargained Binty.

I snatched the currency away from him. "Deal. The stuff's falling out of the sky right now."

I raced out of the store so I could find more. Currents are worth about twice an Earth Euro. The money I got from the pawn store owner was a pittance for what Earth objects are really worth, but this is currents up front, which are what I need.

I looked up at the sky. The falling star fragments not burned up had gotten even larger. They were the size of globes and more Earth objects were hidden inside. I ripped out a silver and copper necklace from a broken meteorite on the ground. This could easily fetch 300 currents from Binty.

I hid the necklace in my house. Most Elandorians were still watching the meteor shower, but from underneath shelter. I was the only one out and about the mess. Their loss, because easy currents were falling from the sky here.

I looked up and jumped. My Trait is super jumping. Yes, I'm serious. I want to be able to defeat all the other Kaiuni and Malacentwertle, while I only have more-powerful jumping to fight them with. Sounds like I have no chance, but I'm counting on surprise to win me my first other Trait. Many who are greedy, self-serving, and with a Trait underestimate the ones with seemingly lesser Traits. But a Trait exists for a reason, every single time.

I can jump clear out off of Eternal and unto Phloem or Xylem, Eternal's two moons. I know, because I have before. Elandorians can withstand the crushing pressure of the vacuum of space, not breathe for eight days, and exit/enter an atmosphere without burning up, but they have trouble leaving it in the first place. My super jumping could probably bounce me to a passing comet away from Eternal when Bellatrix expands, but I'd rather take a space shuttle.

I swung myself on top of a large meteorite. There was a gold plate embedded in it and I tore it out. 50,000 currents would be a bargain for this plate. Gold is even rarer on Eternal than on Earth. I jumped higher unto a new meteorite as the old one hit the ground and shattered.

There were so many valuable Earth fragments in these rocks headed towards us, because some of their humans snuck away and attempted to colonize Adjacent, a very small rocky planet between Eternal and a gas giant of Bellatrix's, Colossal. Adjacent drifted too close to Colossal and was torn to pieces. Eternal passes through this former planet's fragments and finds human civilization left over.

There was a small Earth flash drive in one of the largest meteorites. I pulled it out and saw that it was covered in gold wiring and human language. This was almost worth murdering someone for.

Up still above me, in the largest meteorite, which was about the size of a hovel, there was a human laptop clattering around on top. I had to get it. Human technology is slightly more advanced than some of Elandorian tech.

I ricocheted with extreme agility up to the biggest meteorite just on super jumps. I landed and skidded quite a bit on the surface because it was smoother than I expected. I yanked the laptop free and touched down with the meteorite I'd been on exploding behind me. Rock fragments scratched my face and sticky green blood oozed out of the wounds. Great, I'm bleeding. At least all the scratches will heal in the next fifteen seconds. Elandorians heal fast while Alciria heal s-l-o-w-l-y. Human healing rate is somewhere in between, maybe closer to us.

I hurried into my little house. Better that no one knows I have human technology so I won't get myself killed over it. Elandorians would do that for this tiny memory stick and computer.

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