Enemy of the Kaiuni-Chapter 9

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Enemy of the Kaiuni: Chapter 9

(as told by Radiance)

I hate to even admit it in the privacy of my own mind, but grilled mitofin fish is delicious. It looks disgusting, but tastes great. Is there a name for that? If there's not, there should. Krylon may have half-cooked ideas, but this one is well-done.

"Well...how's your fish?" Krylon nudged my elbow.

I paused with my chewing. "It's...good..."

"Yes! Finally a compliment from m'lady!" exclaimed Krylon.

I sighed. Maybe I should relax my standards of what's passable to impress me, because Krylon's actually hit a point that's not completely moot. The boy's been pretty good to me, he does really deserve some appreciation at least once in a while. He's all I have and me for him.

I asked, "So, what's next on the agenda?"

"Sell the laptop to the government. Use the currents to buy a spaceship. Except you want to stay on Eternal longer, which is the most ludicrous thought I've heard you say since I've known you. And I've know you most of your life, of course." reminded Krylon.

I groaned. "Please don't bring up the caves again. I hated there."

"The point is to hate it enough that you escape to the surface. Duh, Radiance." Krylon smiled at me.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, Krylon."

"But, if you really want me to retell the story..." started Krylon.

I shouted, "NO!!!"

"Is that a 'yes?'" inquired Krylon giddily.

I growled, "No! No, it's not!!"

"Too bad, because I'm going to!" he declared.

I sighed and mumbled, "Okay then, let's hear it. Give it your best this time, Krylon."

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