Enemy of the Kaiuni-Chapter 14

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Enemy of the Kaiuni: Chapter 14

(as told by Radiance)

"Dude! Stop laughing at me, I was serious!" I smacked his shoulder.

Krylon kept laughing. "You think some regular plant thing can affect the entire planet and other dimensions?! That's unbelievably ludicrous!"

"Try getting close to the flower." I dared him.

He moved forward and stuck his face up the the flower. An invisible force jolted Krylon backwards. He stumbled and collapsed face-first into a patch of dirt.

I ran over to him and flipped him right-side up. "Krylon, are you okay?!"

"Yeah." He coughed a little.

I pushed away that caring side to me and reprimanded him, "Well, did you see the humans wandering around far away? The molten magma of Eternal's core and creatures no one has ever beheld before shrieking at each other in the darkness of the core? Well?!?!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, so this plant defies the boundaries of Elandorian science. Why are we supposed to care?" demanded Krylon.

I smiled. "I think the plants are trying to save the planet. They don't want to die. I think they're trying to cause a rip in the dimensions and pull Eternal out into a dimension where we have more time before our sun expands and kills us."

"Since when are plants so smart?! When did you come up with these theories?!" exclaimed Krylon.

I gulped. "Did I ever mention I was a Malacentwertle to you?"

"I was there in the caves when Malacent gave you your Trait. You talk about your Trait all the time, showing it off, testing its limits, etc. Of course I know. What's your point?" asked Krylon with a bored look on his face.

I answered, "I'm always questioning, curious, and I think about subjects more deeply than others because of my Trait, kinda like you, but you don't really have a Trait though..."

"I think your curiosity about things is more of a character flaw of yours rather than something Malacent gave you..." mumbled Krylon.

I gave him a dirty look and he sighed. "Continue, Radiance..."

"Nobody on Eternal really questions the impending doom of Bellatrix expanding and annihilating Eternal. They don't talk about trying to prevent the entire planet from dying, or escaping to a safer planet/solar system, or trying to keep Bellatrix from expanding and killing us all. Why? Humans have wondered and worried about their sun expanding and destroying Earth, even though their star is not set to become a giant for at least five to four billion years! Krylon, why aren't we so concerned?" I implored.

Krylon frowned. "We're pretty different from humans. We have less primate-like genes and more feline-like genes than they do. Maybe we just have different mind-sets. Elandorians aren't all that big on the future."

"I think someone wants us all to die on this planet. They want Elandor and Alciria to become extinct. Even with all the spaceports Elandor have, it's extremely hard to go into space for us. The government has a lot of paperwork for those attempting, they have to pay their own way, scientists have to make sure you can handle the journey, no permanent trips away from Eternal forever, and I suspect it's discreetly discouraged. The question is, why would someone want the entire populations of Alciria and Elandor to become extinct though, if they're one of them themselves?" I asked.

Krylon mumbled quietly, "Maybe they aren't part of the Elandor or Alciria. Maybe the rest of the galaxies want us to die."

"No." I growled firmly. "It is someone among the Alciria and Elandor. And I think I know who."

The Kaiuni named Keen, my archnemesis. He wants to take all the Traits by leaving the other Kaiunis and Malacentwertle stranded on Eternal when Bellatrix becomes a giant star. He'll be the only one of us surviving and be the one with all the traits. Yes, he's behind this plot. I just know.

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