Chapter 34

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They were all still in the bunker waiting for Oliver to get off the phone with John Constantine. Sara decided to bring something up that had caught her attention in the conversation that the group was having earlier.

"Laurel, what do you mean the particle accelerator went off five years ago?" Sara asked.

"I went off five years ago around Christmas. I was like a year before you came home." Laurel said.

"That doesn't make any since. It wasn't supposed to happen until 2013." Sara said.

"What do you mean by that?" Laurel asked.

"In the original timeline the explosion didn't happen until the end of 2013. I must have some how ended up in an alternate timeline. That is the only thing that makes since. I was always wondering why it hadn't gone off yet. I guess that answers my question then." Sara said.

"I met the Flash once win I was in Central City. I don't know who he really is, but he seems to be a pretty cool guy." Thea said.

"Oh, he is very cool. A bit dorky sometimes, but still cool." Sara said.

"You mean that you know who he is?" Thea asked getting excited.

"I do know who he is. He is like a little brother to Ollie and me, as well as Kara." Sara said.

"Who is Kara? I have never met a Kara before." Laurel said.

"She is a fellow hero, like the Flash and us." Sara said.

"I haven't really been keeping up with the news. You know with being busy with my day and night jobs, but is there a Supergirl or Superman on this earth?" Sara asked.

"Yeah, they are both on this earth. Why do you ask?" Thea said.

"Either I am in an alternate timeline or I am on a different earth. Not sure which, but I guess it doesn't really matter. All that matters is that I finish fixing what I have started." Sara said.

"I am going to make a phone call. I think we need to visit Central City. They might be able to figure out how you got your new ability Laurel." Sara said.

"Sounds like fun. I could use a vacation. So, who all will be going?" Laurel asked.

"Ollie and the two of us will be going. This isn't a social trip this is for our night jobs." Sara said and Laurel nodded even thought she was a bit upset that she couldn't bring Tommy along as well.

Sara walked away and made a call to STAR Labs. A secretary answered the phone and said, "STAR Labs, how might I transfer your call?"

"Could I speak to either Caitlin Snow or Cisco Ramon?" Sara asked.

"I will transfer you right now." The secretary said.

"This is Dr. Snow. How can I help you?" Caitlin said.

"Dr. Snow, I am calling from Star City and I think that I have something that you might be interested in." Sara said.

"And what would that be?" Caitlin asked.

"Well, I will just tell you who I am first. I am the White Canary and one of the members of our team just developed powers and we would like you to test them and see where these powers came from. She said she wasn't there during the accelerator explosion." Sara said.

"Could you be here tomorrow? I am really interested to see what is going on with your friend." Caitlin said.

"Probably better if we do it at night you know. Don't want to reveal anything to any of your coworkers. You might want to have Cisco there as well. I hear he is good at making suits for superheroes. We might could use some upgrades." Sara said.

"I will make sure he is here as well. Anything else you need?" Caitlin asked.

"Well, it would be nice to meet the flash and maybe Supergirl while we are there. You know start to make some sort of team incase things get out of hand and one team can't handle it all." Sara said.

"I will see what I can do about that as well. I don't know them personally though." Caitlin said.

"Don't lie Dr. Snow. I know you have a little chilly friend that lives with you if you know what I mean." Sara said.

"Ok, how do you know all of this?" Caitlin asked.

"I will explain all of that at seven tomorrow night at Star Labs. We will see you them. Goodbye, Dr. Snow." Sara said as she hung up.

"Ok, so the three of us are going to Central City tomorrow. Thea, Roy, and Emiko can look after the city for a day or two." Sara said.

"Yeah, we can take care of it." Thea said.

"So, did you get any information from Constantine?" Sara asked Oliver.

"Yeah, he said he would be here as soon as he could." Oliver said and the elevator door opened, and they saw Constantine walk out of it.

"It is good to see you again mate." Constantine said to Oliver.

"You too. I was wondering if you could give this tattoo to everyone on my team so that we stand a chance against Darhk." Oliver said.

"Yeah, I can do that. You will have to train with it though. Darhk's magic is fueled by darkness. You will have to lose the light that is inside of you for this magic to work or you will just fuel him." Constantine said.

"Yeah, I will need a lot of practice." Oliver said.

"So, when can we do this tattoo thing?" Laurel asked.

"I can do it right now love." Constantine said.

"Ok, so let's get this over with." Thea said.

"Tell me where you want the tattoo." Constantine said to everyone on the team that didn't have one already.

"I will take mine on my ribs." Sara said and Constantine said a spell and Sara could feel the tattoo starting to form. It stung a little bit.

"I will take mine on my calf." Laurel said and then Constantine gave her the tattoo as well.

"I'll take mine on my back around the shoulder blades." Thea said.

"I'll take mine on my arm." Roy said.

"I'll take mine on forearm." Emiko said.

Once he was done giving everyone their tattoos, Constantine turned to Oliver and said, "That is done. Now all we need to do is set up some time to practice. I will come and help, and I will bring a friend of mine as well."

"Thanks for your help John. Give us a few days because some of us are going out of town for a few days." Oliver said.

"You just call me when you are ready, and we will be here." Constantine said before he left.

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