Chapter 32

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A few days later Oliver and Sara were talking, and Sara brought up the fact that they could use a new lair that had more space and was more modern then what they had right now. They knew that they could use a better computer system for Barbara to work with as well.

"Do you have a place in mind for this new lair for the team?" Oliver asked.

"I sure do, and I already know that it is available. It is where Blood ran his campaign from." Sara said.

"How do you know about this place Sara?" Oliver asked.

"Because it was your base of operations from this point on in the old timeline." Sara said.

"Ok, let's get the rest of the team and go and check this place out." Oliver said.

Oliver called Thea, Roy, and Emiko while Sara called Laurel and Barbara to tell them where they needed to meet them. When everyone arrived, they didn't know why they were there.

"Ok, I am just wondering why the team is here and when we could be meeting at our lair right now." Thea said.

"We were thinking about buying this place so that it could be a bigger layer for the team." Sara said.

"Ok, so there are a lot of windows here for this to be our new lair." Laurel said.

"It's not up here where the lair is going to be. Follow me." Sara said and the team followed her into the private office.

Sara opened the fake wall, and everyone saw that there was an elevator there. They all got in the elevator and rode it down to the next level and when the doors opened the whole team minus Sara was surprised at what they saw. There was an area where computers were set up and all of their mannequins were set up with their suits on them already.

"How were you able to do all of this without us knowing?" Oliver asked.

"I brought the suits over last night and for the computers, do you remember a couple of weeks ago when I asked you for that money, well a friend of mine from Central City came and helped set them up. I also got a good security system for the place. From now on when we enter this place, we will have to say a secret code as well as do a retinal scan and a fingerprint scan. We can set all of that up today before we leave." Sara said.

"Wow, this place is amazing. So, how did you know about it?" Laurel asked.

"It was known as the bunker in the future. This place was used for years." Sara said.

"Well, I am going to check out these computers. I am going to see how good they are." Barbara said.

"We have plenty of room to spar, plenty of room for archery practice and we also have weights if anyone wants to lift." Sara said.

"You really thought of everything didn't you? I think it is good that we have this place now. The only problem is that we need to find something to do with the upstairs, so it won't look weird with us coming here every night." Oliver said.

"I have been thinking of that and I have an idea or two." Sara said.

"Ok, don't keep us in suspense." Thea said.

"Well my first idea was that Laurel could open her own law firm and use this as her office." Sara said.

"And your other idea?" Oliver asked.

"Open a small bar or a shop or something like that." Sara said.

"Those are good ideas. So, what do you guys think?" Oliver asked the rest of the team.

"I think that if Laurel is interested in running her own law firm then that is what she should do." Thea said.

"I agree." The rest of the team said at the same time.

"Ok Laurel, you have the first option to use the building. What do you think? Do you want to run your own law firm?" Sara asked.

"It's a good opportunity for me and I can still do the kind of thing I am doing at CNRI. I will not defend criminals unless they have been wrongfully convicted though." Laurel said.

"It's up to you what you do with it sis. It will be your business." Sara said.

"Give me a couple of days to think about it. I think I want to do this, but I will let you know for sure soon." Laurel said.

"Sounds good. So, lets get some training in and then we can patrol and then go home." Oliver said.

Oliver and Sara were sparring with everyone watching them to see who the best was. They were pretty evenly matched until Oliver was able to fine a opening that allowed him to send Sara to the floor on her back.

"Damn, when did you learn to do that? I never saw you use that move before." Sara said.

"It was just instinct really. I just saw the opening and knew what I had to do." Oliver said.

Next up was Thea and Laurel and they had both been used to sparring with each other since the beginning. They were both pretty evenly matched and couldn't find anything to use against each other to take the other one down. Roy and Emiko then sparred, and Emiko was a little bit better than Roy was, but Roy held his own for most of the session.

"Ok, let go out and patrol and hope that we don't find much going on so that we can get home early." Oliver said.

"Sounds good to me. I am not going to argue with an early night off. I would like to get a good night's sleep for once in a very long time." Thea said.

The team went out on patrol and they only found a few robberies and that was about it. When the team got back to the bunker, they changed their clothes and decided that it was time to go home for the night.

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