Chapter 33

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After a few days Laurel decided she would take the offer to use the office above the bunker as her own law firm. She then started to advertise for lawyers who would be willing to do the kind of work she was looking to do. It was going to be a small law firm. Maybe three or four other people plus her.

After the day was over the team met in the bunker to get ready to go out on patrol that night. "So, how is it coming with the setup upstairs?" Oliver asked Laurel.

"It is going ok. I have a few people that are interested in jobs and plus Joanna decided to come and work here as well." Laurel said.

"That's good. How many more people are you looking for?" Sara asked.

"Probably only two or three. I don't want a big law firm like CNRI is. I just want a few good lawyers that are willing to do the same thing that I envision." Laurel said.

"Sounds like you have it all planned out." Thea said.

"I always thought that I wanted to work for the DA's office and one day even be the DA, but right now I think I can do better picking my own cases and it won't get to political." Laurel said.

"I think you might have really found your place now. Let's head out on patrol." Oliver said and they all nodded.

Oliver was out by the docks when he found something that didn't look right. He went to take a closer look and what he saw was really disturbing. He saw a man who looked like he was able to use magic. He had sucked the life out of some guy. It reminded him of something that he had seen while he was on the island which really disturbed him because he thought that idle was in ARGUS custody.

Oliver called the rest of the team to meet up with him at that location. The team got to a good vantage point and watched what was going on. It looked like it was a group that was looking to overtake the city.

The team dropped down and went to take on the group of people that were on the ground. Oliver and Sara went after the leader. When they got close to him Oliver knocked an arrow and released it at the man, but he stopped it in midair with his magic.

The other man looked at them and said, "It is nice to finally meet the Green Arrow and White Canary. It is going to be fun to kill you and your team. But not today. I want you to see your city burn first."

"Who are you and why are you here?" Green Arrow asked.

"I am hear because this city has a lot of way to ship everything I need in and it also has the area I need for what I am planning." The man said.

"You still didn't say who you are?" Green Arrow asked.

"Oh, forgive me for being rude. I am Damian Darhk. You might know me from Ras Al Ghul." Darhk said.

"Yeah you and he were good friends until the former Ras pitted you again each other." White Canary said.

"So, you do know the stories. That's good. Well then, you should know how powerful I am." Darhk said.

"I think if it wasn't for your magic it would be an even fight." Green Arrow said.

"Maybe, but we will never know." Darhk said as he started to choke the two heroes.

As the two were about to pass out they heard something from behind them that sounded like some screeching and screaming sound which ended up knocking Darhk backwards and giving Green Arrow and White Canary time to catch their breath.

They turned to look behind them to see Black Canary with a shocked look on her face. "What the hell was that?" Oliver asked.

"We don't have time now. I will explain when we get back to the bunker." Sara said and the team left for the bunker.

When they got to the bunker Laurel looked upset which was understandable because she didn't know what was going on with her. She looked at Sara hoping that she had an explanation for what was going on with her.

"Ok, I have seen this before. Your doppelganger from Earth 2 had this ability. It is very useful once you learn how to use it." Sara said.

"But I don't understand how I got this power. I know people who got powers from that particle accelerator explosion in Central City five years ago, but I was not there." Laurel said.

"I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with genetics, being that all the versions of you that we learned about in the future had this power." Sara said.

"Did I have it?" Laurel asked.

"No, you didn't. I think you might not have had the right circumstances to bring it out." Sara said.

"Ok, that makes since. Laurel we will help you with your powers and when you are ready you will be able to use it to help the team." Oliver said.

"Thanks Ollie. I just saw that he was about to kill you and Sara, and I screamed and that is what happened." Laurel said.

"Well I am glad you did because I really don't know how much longer I was going to be able to last." Sara said.

"So, do you know who this guy is and how to stop him?" Oliver asked Sara.

"Yeah I know who he is, as for stopping him that is harder to explain." Sara said.

"Well I am listening." Oliver said.

"His name is Damian Darhk and he gets his magic from and idle that he has to have near him. As for stopping him, you are the only one who can do that right now Ollie." Sara said.

"How am I supposed to do that?" Oliver asked.

"It has to do with the tattoo that Constantine gave you on your ribs. It has the power to negate Darhk's power. You just need to find the light inside of you because if you use the darkness, it will only fuel his powers." Sara said.

"Well, we need to get in touch with Constantine and see if he can help me out with negating Darhk's powers as well as seeing if the rest of you can get the tattoo as well." Oliver said and everyone nodded in agreement.

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