Calypso's POV (5)

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I woke to someone opening my window. "Uhm Calypso?" a girl's voice said. I turned on a light and the girl immediately turned it off. "Shhh we don't want to wake anyone!" 

"Um who are you?" The girl stepped into the moonlight. It was no one other than Perseus Jackson's girlfriend- Annabeth. "Oh," she was crouched at the base of my window

" Uh hi," she looked nervous, "Percy was going to come get you but we didn't think that would be a good idea," she forced a small smile. "Anyways there are some people outside- long story- we're going to the park." 

"At 3 am?" 

"Yeah, is that okay?"

It didn't feel okay, but Annabeth hadn't given me a reason to distrust her. "Fine, but is Leo coming?"

"No, go get dressed." I sighed to myself and closed my window, keeping Annabeth on the roof, and went to get ready. 

It was December and the air was chilly so I took my hair out of it's braid so it hung around my face. I put on some snow boots, a jacket, and a hat with a fun pom pom. Pom poms were the best thing the twenty- first century came up with. They were so much better than all the deforestation that was happening. I went to look for my gloves but they weren't there. Ugh, I had left them in the kitchen. 

As I tip toed through the halls, careful not to wake Jo, I went to the doorway to get my gloves. 

"Calypso?" Crap, it was Leo. I hid in the bathroom. I saw Leo shake his head while he went to the garage to work on something. He really shouldn't be up this late, or early, time's weird. Anyways, under different circumstances I might've went out to check on him but Annbeth was waiting and I had broken up with Leo after he died for me. That probably wouldn't be a warm welcome. 

When I got back to my room I opened my window and got on the roof with Annabeth. She didn't look that cold which bugged me. "You ready?" she sounded like she was fighting off a panic attack and I didn't know why. She was probably scared I would take her boyfriend. Nonetheless I nodded and climbed down the roof and walked to the park with her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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