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Two Days Earlier

'Ever heard of the crystal spear?'

Amneris lifted her eyes from the book she was reading to glare at Jay. For reasons unknown to her, he'd come into the living room of the Forest House holding a drawing of what looked like a regular spear with a giant circle in the middle of it. He probably thought it was his latest masterpiece. She thought it was shit. Amneris raised an eyebrow at the Fae male, deciding it said enough about her current thoughts and that he should leave her be.

He decided to ignore the warning.

Jay flopped on the lounge next to her, shoving the horrid drawing in her face. She took the piece of paper from his hands, ripped it up, and threw it on the fire. He made a wounded sound before speaking again. 'At least tell me if you've heard of it.'

'Of course I've heard of it,' Amneris muttered, closing her book with a frustrated huff. 'Made in Atlantis for decorative reasons and later lost when the continent was flooded. Only one of them in the entire multiverse because Lyriumians are one of a kind. What about it?'

'Someone found it.'


'I'm serious!' Jay rolled off the lounge to lay face-down at her feet. She had to lean down to make out what he was saying, the carpeted floor muffling his voice much to her amusement. 'Someone found it and, when they did, some guy appeared out of no where and stole it right from their hands.'

'Oh?' Amneris put down her book, leaning over the edge of the lounge. 'And you're telling me this because why?'

'Because of how it was stolen.' He sat up, taking the book from the lounge and opening to a random page. He held the book out so the pages faced her and said, 'Let the story of the Crystal Spear end.' Jay closed the book, tossing it back onto the lounge with a shrug. 'It lost all of its power and, from eyewitness accounts, the spear itself was drawn into the book. The power, it seems, was transferred to the book's owner.'

Amneris whistled as she sat up. It was certainly an interesting way to steal power. She couldn't help but be intrigued! Her spirts rose at the idea of getting back out into the field–

'No.' She sat upright. 'No, I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to make me go back out which we both know I don't do anymore.' The look Jay gave her made Amneris realise how uncertain she sounded. 'Shut up, Fae.'

'Come on,' he said. 'We both know you miss being out there.' He moved until their foreheads touched. 'Come have some fun looking for a bad guy with me.'

Amneris gave Jay a mock-sweet smile, placing a finger on his lips and pushing him away. 'Three things, dear Advisor. One: Personal space is a thing. Two: I'm trying to focus on my people, not the missions my Court come up with. If you want help, ask one of them. Three: Breath mint. Kitchen. Now.'

The Fae male pulled back, clearly offended. 'At least put some thought to it, Queenie,' he told her with a frown. 'I'm sure this isn't the only case of this happening.'

'Then by all means, you look into it.' She ruffled his hair. He said something under his breath she chose not to hear for the sake of not having the urge to stab him today which, she couldn't deny, surprised her. Amneris curled back up on the lounge, opening her book again. 'Now, go away and leave me to read in peace.' With a huff, Jay left the room.

Naturally, this was when Leo decided to walk in. He looked between Amneris and the annoyed Fae, giving the former a questioning look. She rolled her eyes, attempting to ignore the General as he spoke. It worked well until he tore the book from her hands and threw it to the other side of the room.

Amneris looked between him and the book. 'You're mature.'

Leo looked as though he would behead her. 'What's with you lately?'

'What's with me what?'

'This!' He gestured around the room. 'You only ever leave the house to go to the Palace or spend time with your daughter.'

It was true. Over the last few months, Amneris' field time had gone down while her diplomatic time had skyrocketed. Sure, she hated it – really hated it – but it was necessary. Apparently. She'd quickly discovered her little her diplomatic skills had changed over the last five thousand years. It took all of her self-control to not lash out at certain Council members and the constant chanting of "do not stab" in her head to keep herself calm.

'I told you, Le,' she started, 'now that sis is in charge of Terpola, I actually have to show up at meetings which, I might add, are happening more often and becoming more boring.'

'How is Xix?' he asked, sitting beside her and putting his hands behind his head – the position of someone not planning to move any time soon.

In all honesty, Amneris was still getting used to the face that the new Queen of Terpola was not only her half-sister, but the only daughter of her greatest enemy. Xix was nothing like her father, so long as looks were discounted. She was a spitting image. A kinder version, really. The Dark Queen had helped Amneris save Creation before taking up the throne of Terpola five years ago. For Lyriumians and Terpolites, five years wasn't that long. The people were still distrustful, but she was slowly growing on them. Aside from that . . .

'Same as always,' Amneris told her old friend. 'Still mysterious.'

Leo nodded. 'What's the plan?'

'The plan?'

'For the guy with the magic book running around the multiverse and stealing shit.'

'Not you, too,' she whined. 'It hasn't even been brought up at a meeting yet and I do have to stick to their rules–'

'Since when has that stopped you?'

'Oh, shut up.' She wanted to look around. It would be a good way to take her mind off wanting to stab the nobles on the Council since it turned out stabbing nobles was bad.

'If you do decide to have a look, let me know,' Leo said, having sensed her thoughts.

'I'll be sure to let you know.' If I can be bothered.

Enchained WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors: Book 4]Where stories live. Discover now