Old Seulgi?

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After their talk they began to stroll around the mall again. It was a peaceful stroll or so they thought. 2 Familiar figure saw them enter the cafe (which where they were staying for the past 2 hours)

"Ohhh~ Irene didn't know I would see you here with 'The one and only Kang Seulgi"


Irene immediately turned around to see the Familiar owner of the teasing voice and yes she was right it was no ther than Taeyon but..... with Tiffany? Irene thought

"Hi Irene! Oh Hi too Deulgi" Tiffany beamed while smiling at both of them. Taeyon was smirking You really left your friends to have a date with her huh? Taeyon said in her head

"Oh hey Fany unnie and Taeyon unnie" Seulgi replied. Irene looked at Seulgi with a shock expression evident in her face. Seulgi noticed and mouthed 'what?'

"You know eachother?" Irene pointed from her back to Taeyon and vice versa. Seulgi nodded

"Of course I know her she's Fany unnies long time girlfriend" Seulgi mindlessly answered while Taeyon was now speechless that they were just revealed. Irene looked at Taeyon

"Yah! How dare you not tell me? Im your cousin for goodness sake" Irene (kind of) shouted. Well she have doubted it since V almost said something but now it was just confirmed. The other two who didn't know anything had their mouths open

"Its not like you could give any love advice if I had told you earlier caused based on your love life you-" Taeyon was about to have her speech of why she didn't let her know earlier but was cut short by the bunny girl

"Okay now shush I know where that's going. So are you to on a date?" Irene answered changing the topic

"Yeah we are" Tiffany answered shortly. Taeyon's playful side comes in again and just had to add something

"Why are you jealous? Aren't you in one (date) with Seulgi right now?" Taeyon playfully questioned her cousin. The bear just chuckled as she knows Taeyon's behavior already

"No I brought her here as a thank you gift since she helped me get a perfect score at my project last week you know it's been ages since I got one" Seulgi honestly answered. Tiffany understood what she ment so she smiled at her.

"That's great! Keep it up!" Tiffany said as she ruffled the bears hair.

After their talk Tiffany got hungry (double meaning) and wanted to go now. They bid goodbye to both Irene and Seulgi as they left. They also decided it was the end of the day. Seulgi brought Irene home safely and she was now on her way to her's

On the other side Joy went to visit Mr Kang. She was close to the family since well she was the only true friend Seulgi ever had. She knocked on the door and it was Mr Kang who welcomed her

"Hi uncle!" Joy smiled to the man and gave him a hug

"Hello Sooyoung what brings you here? It doesn't seem like Seulgi did something bad again based on your smile" Mr Kang questioned

Mr Kang asked Joy a favor to bring her old happy go lucky daughter back and not the one who goes to clubs making out or even fucking with random strangers just to lift the sadness away from her. He asked her to do what ever it takes for her to be back. Joy tried matching her up with other girls not the ones in the club but the ones who would want to stay with you but the Seulgi didn't know what was love anymore and was just in a relationship for lust. So evertime Mr Kang asked for news it was always the bad one except for now

"I've got good news!" Mr Kang nodded as a sign for her to continue what she is talking

"Seulgi is slowly going back to her old self" Joy said still smiling from ear to ear. Mr Kang unconsciously smiled at the news

"Really how did you do it? Its been years since she was being herself" Mr Kang commented sadness visible from the tone as he said the last sentence

"But uncle I didn't do anything to be honest I had given up on her already thinking she would be like that forever until a certain person made her soft again" Mr Kang listened carefully as Joy was speaking

"So who is this special person?" Mr Kang asked

"Its no other than Ms Bae Joohyun" Mr Kang snapped his fingers which caught Joy by suprise

"I knew something about that girl would get our old Seulgi back" Joy raised an eyebrow as she was confused at the statement

"Few weeks ago we had our meeting and the Bae's were invited. Seulgi and Irene was forced to sit in a table together. Seulgi kept on stealing glances on her and even defended her when another one of her hoes tried to attack on Ms Bae plus why would she follow Irene on where she was going when there was a party?" Mr Kang finished. Joy got what Mr Kang was implementing. They high fived eachother

Joy also shared the story of how Irene thanked her and even hugged Seulgi when the thunderstorm hit.
They were both giggling and didn't notice a new presence in the house

"What are you two giggling at?" Seulgi questioned. Her father snapped his head to Seulgi's direction while Joy jumped out of frightness

"Oh hi Seulgi didn't know you have arrived already" Seulgi nodded. She was very suspicious of what was happening until Her dad spoke

"So how was your date?" Mr Kang's question caught Seulgi off guard even tho it wasn't really a 'date date' but just a 'stroll in the mall' thing. Is he a stalker? Seulgi thought to herself

"Come on dont be shy spill the tea~" Joy asked What the fuck? Seulgi said in her mind

A/N:And if you are wondering how did they know about them (Irene and Seulgi) remember when they were at the at the arcade? They (the 3 of them) saw them alone together strolling around

"What do you mean? I didn't have a date I was just strolling around the mall with a friend" Seulgi answered which was basically right.

"Hmm okay but who was this friend?" Mr Kang asked. Are they working for the NBI or something? Seulgi questioned to herself

"You don't know her and I'm sleepy so I'm going now bye" Seulgi didn't want more questions to be fired at her so she immediately went to her room.

On the other hand Joy and Mr Kang looked at eachother. They high fived and laughed

"See I told you uncle" Joy confidently stated as she sat back on the couch

"Sooyoung are u sure that she isn't just after Ms Bae for lust? The girl is very very beautiful and Im sure she is dying to do her" Mr Kang expressed his concern

"I don't think so. Cause if she's only after that she should have done something to her when she passed out in front of her. No one knew about it and she could have gone away with it but she didn't and did the right thing" Joy then explained to Mr Kang. He smiled at the thought of it.

"Oh by the way uncle tomorrows the start of our tournament are you gonna watch?" Joy asked before she left

"Of course I would like to see who has the bigger fan base you or Seulgi?" The Man then giggled while the other just roled her eyes

"What ever"

Hi guys I'm back

Oh my god I'm so thankful to all of who are reading this fic

I hope you guys like it😊 feel free to comment and like

See you after 3 days

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