DECEMBER SPECIAL: Last Day of the Year

Start from the beginning

Natsu slumped himself on the bench, staring at nowhere with furrowed eyebrows.

He'd fallen for the blonde beauty last year, first day of the class. She was a transferee, and she was one of a kind.

For the whole year of being with Lucy, he tried to figure out what's with her that he couldn't see from other girls.

There's a lot of walking goddesses in the campus. All could be a supermodel. But her... a simple, pure angel like her was standing out the most among them. He became her slave.

Since his onyx orbs met her deep brown ones, he figured he was in chaos. He couldn't look at her directly in her eyes, he couldn't talk to her even if they were in the same circle of friends, because he always thought that he wasn't good enough.

Sometimes, he'd feel bad and guilty whenever Lucy tried to talk to him but he would walk away. He could see how hurt she was.

Natsu couldn't even give the friendship she wanted from him, because he's afraid he might fall harder. He wanted to distance himself to keep his heart from breaking. Because what if he got friendzoned? Damn, man. It would be the end of his world. Heh.

Besides that, he wanted to fix himself first, to be a worthy boyfriend of her.

He clenched his fist at the thought. Boyfriend, my ass. I doubt if she could even like me. But then, he had already decided.

He would confess on the incoming Christmas Ball.


Groaning, Natsu plopped himself on his bed before ruffling his already messy pink hair in frustration. Last week, the last day of school, their class had planned of having an exchange gift to make their ball much exciting.

To his luck, he had gotten Lucy's name during a draw. He was her Secret Santa.

Just imagine how happy he was. Why not? Aside from he loved her, that's his chance to make a move! He shouldn't mess this up. He should start finding the best gift for her!

Unfortunately, his whole week got wasted for nothing. He had already visited all the shops in Magnolia but nothing caught his eyes. And tomorrow, 22nd of December, was their Christmas Ball. And he hadn't found a gift for her yet.

"Damn it. What to do?" He buried his face on his eggplant pillow, his hands clutching to his white scale-looking like scarf.


"No, no, no!" And now he's banging his head. "I can't do that!"

"Natsu?" His brother's wife, Mavis, knocked on his room's door before swinging it open. She saw him lying on his bed face-flat on his pillow. "It's dinner time."

"Mavis-san," Natsu sat up, and looked at her with pleading eyes. "Teach me how to knit a scarf."

THE NEXT DAY, a pink-haired boy with dark circles under his eyes was clutching tightly to the handle of the christmas gift bag, walking towards the gymnasium where the ball would be held as he ignored Gray's mocking laugh while staring at his face.

"What the hell, dude? What did you do last night, huh?" He gave him a dirty look, which he returned with a scowl.

"I'm not in the mood, snowfreak."

"Hey, Salamander!" Gajeel suddenly popped up out of nowhere and draped his heavy arms around his shoulders. He then exaggeratedly gasped when he saw Natsu's face. "What the fuck happened to you?"

"Are you cursing me?"

"No, I'm sorry," he deadpanned. "But seriously? What made you up last night, huh?" Do I look that bad?!

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