08. Battle of Fairy Tail ver. 2.0

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Sorry for the long wait! Here's the 4000+ words as a bonus and apology. Enjoy reading!

Date Posted: 23rd September


Fairy Tail Wizards were silent, a very rare scene in their guild. Heavy atmosphere can be felt in the air. Everyone's eyes were sharp, glancing at each other high on guard.

If you're wondering what's happening, it's because this is the day.

The annual Battle of Fairy Tail before the Harvest Festival that became one of their tradition after the 100 Year Quest of team Natsu a year ago.

Well, obviously every year should have different themes. Last year, they faught in the middle of a very spacious pool of mud just to get the single flag on the top of a tall pole. And Juvia won that first ever battle because she had the advantage. The mud still has water after all.

And they were allowed to use magic back then which resulted a huge mess.

With Virgo digging up so many holes, Aquarius rampaging because she was summoned in a mud, Gray freezing everything, Natsu roaring everywhere, Juvia making a mud wave, it's hopeless. Really.

So this time, they're not allowed to use magic. All they have to use as their weapons are physical strength and intelligence...which some of them don't possess, to be honest.

Fufu, I'm not bragging but I think I'm a little ahead of them. Lucy covered her smirk with her hands.

"You're creeping me out, Luce," Natsu bluntly commented after seeing the weird face of his best friend.


Master Makarov stood on the stage as he put his hands on his back and announced the rules for this year's battle.

"Listen, brats! Using a magic is highly prohibited! Security lacrima will monitor each member and the one who caught cheating will be disqualified!" They remained silent so Makarov continued explaining.

"This game is called 'The Last Man Standing'. There are red ribbons here..." he waved the fish bowl full of ribbons.

"...where names of each member are written. You will draw one and the name that you got will be the person you have to defeat by stealing the ribbon attached on his or her head, for you to have the next target. The last wizard standing in the battlefield with all the ribbons is the winner."

They furrowed their eyebrows, their mind was obviously still loading. The master sighed.

"For example, Gray got the ribbon where Natsu's name is written, but Natsu had Happy. Obviously, they only have 50% chance of crossing their path because they have different target. If Gray found him and managed to steal the ribbon, then Natsu is automatically out of the game. And Gray is now the new predator of Happy. Did I make it clearer?"

Levy raised her hand. "Say, Master, what if Natsu defeated Happy first before Gray could find him?"

"Much better. That means, Natsu already has two ribbons in him which makes it easier for Gray to collect more ribbons. The first is from Happy--who's already out, the second is Happy's target that Natsu had stolen and will be his next prey."

"Eh, Master, obviously Natsu will fight back once Gray cornered him. Is Natsu allowed to steal the ribbon from him even if he's not his target?"

"Yes. That's only applicable if the prey and predator faced each other because you're not allowed to attack anyone. Is there any question left?" The mages shook their head. "Alright! Let's begin."

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