14. Bet

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Date Published: 25th January 2021


"Happy, do you think Natsu and Lucy are in a relationship?" Mirajane asked as she handed a fresh fish to the blue exceed. Happy accepted it, drooling. "I noticed that they became closer than before...and more touchy?"

"You're just imagining things, Mira. They are closed because they're friends. It's not new to me," he murmured, digging his fangs into the raw flesh.

"But sometimes, you were also teasing them, weren't you?"

"It's nothing personal. I loved teasing Lucy, you know," he waved his fish in the air. "Even if I want them to be together, Natsu was too dense. I've never even imagined him dating someone."

Mira frowned, reaching for the plate and started cleaning it with rag.

"Give Natsu more credit, will you? He may be as dense as the rock, he's human too. I'm sure he can also feel what we all call love!" She giggled. "Let's make it this way, Happy. Why don't we have a bet?"

"Bet?" Happy stopped munching his fish.

"Yup! If I proved you that Natsu and Lucy are dating, you wouldn't eat fish for the whole week," the she-devil flashed an evil smirk when Happy's face paled.


"But!" Mira raised her forefinger, eyes were stern. "If I was wrong, I'd give you many many fresh fishes!"

Happy's round eyes turned into hearts. He nodded eagerly, already imagining himself under the raining fishes.

"Deal! Deal!"

The bar maid grinned widely as she roamed her eyes around the usual chaotic guild. There, she found the subjects walking towards her with job flyer on Lucy's hand, Natsu following close behind while staring at the movement of the ribbon on the blonde's head.

"We'll take this job, Mira-san," Lucy smiled as she handed her the flyer.

Mira accepted it, but hadn't stamped it yet. She watched the Dragon Slayer reach for Lucy's ribbon and pinched it between his forefinger and thumb. She raised an eyebrow. Weirdo...

"Natsu," she called, getting his attention. "I just want to ask if you and Lucy are already dating? Don't lie to me."

Happy accidentally swallowed the whole fish in shock. S-She's so straightforward!!

Lucy's jaw dropped, and then blushed furiously. Natsu, on the other hand, only grinned as he scratched the back of his head.

"Are we that obvious? We're planning to keep it a secret for now, but..."

"N-Natsu!" Lucy turned to him with wide eyes, and a burning face, but was taken aback when he pulled her by the waist and crashed his lips onto hers.

Her eyes widened in absolute surprise, but then slowly clung her arm around Natsu's neck, pulling him closer.

The atmosphere went silent. It's like an angel came down from heaven that made the chaotic guild earlier in a very peaceful silence now, mages' eyes were popping out as their jaw reached the floor.

Mirajane giggled in victory, smiling sweetly.

While Happy...

Well, goodbye fish for a week, I guess. Poor cat.

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