That is until Rust noticed that the scroll Poisons of Our Lovely Swamp was missing. That alone wouldn't have set off any red flags but hissed whispering did. Somehow, Rust managed to keep to the shadows and sneak up on the speakers.

"I'll ask you again, do you have everything?"

"Yes! Jeez, I know you're paranoid but this is ridiculous. What's got your tail in a twist?"

"The hybrid didn't leave this afternoon. I don't want him to mess this up, especially not when I saw him acting all buddy-buddy with the royals."

It seems like the moons don't like you then. I'm meddling with this. You are not killing the dragons I just became friends with, their political importance can go burn with the sand.

"Didn't he set stuff on fire yesterday because of an argument? What happened?"

"I don't know, I wasn't stationed in there. Are you sure you have the timing right?"

"Yes. I normally prepare Moorhen's favorite food anyway. One of the servers is sick so I'll make sure to be the last dragon to touch it. Why did you bring out the scroll? We already have the poison."

They're planning on poisoning Moorhen. I need to get that scroll and find which one they'll be using. Maybe I can get the antidote and have it ready.

"Just in case. I want to know the color the food will turn when the poison activates so I have enough time to prepare for the chaos."

"Good idea, I guess. What color is it?"

"Purple. Remember, don't get this in your bloodstream or you'll—"

"Die a much slower and more painful death, I know. Well, you ready? I have to go start preparing."

"Ready as I'll ever be. Remember, for the true queen."

"For the true queen."

Talons on stone signaled their movement, the sound of a scroll slotting back into place following that. Click clacking of talons slowly quieted, growing distant as they did the same. Still, Rust waited for a little before going to grab the scroll.

I have to be quick. That one doesn't make sense, that one is nowhere close to purple, that doesn't do any harm when ingested...

It took way too long before Rust found a viable candidate. Nightshade berries, just a few could kill a full-grown dragon. There was only one antidote that Rust could easily get. Berries from a different plant could cure the effects of it. Now, where was Rust going to find—?

"Hey Rust," he looked up, flashing a quick smile at Heron who smiled back. "What are you doing?"

"Looking around. How about ya?" Rust asked, rolling up the scroll in his talons to give her his full attention.

"Looking for you. Want to see where I do most of my work?" Heron asked with a hint of nervousness.

"Why not?" Rust said, putting away the scroll to start following her. "Any particular reason ya wanted to show me where ya work?"

"I know Burn is into fighting and everything but I wanted to show you the other side of all of that," Heron said, guiding Rust to a balcony that they took flight from.

So like healing? Would she have the berries that I need? I hope she does, I have no idea where to get this stuff.

At the back of the palace, a fancy building stood next to a large garden filled with too many places to name. The structure was mostly hardened mud, although various shutters were made out of wood. There were even shutters on the roof.

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