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... that is, until...

Dust was going to the library as per usual, although her sixth sense was going off. On guard, Dust entered the library. She was met with a giant NightWing who was at least three times the size of a normal dragon lurking outside the window.

He poked his head in, Tsunami and Turtle moving back to give him space. "Ah, Dust! One of the dragons I wanted to see!" said the giant, a buzzing starting up in the back of Dust's head when he was done.

The buzzing... That means he's a mind reader. Buzz off, bud, Dust mentally slammed in defenses, her mind as blank and tough as the cave walls.

"More like one of the minds you wanted to read," said Dust, narrowing her eyes at him. There were others around, although only a frantic Starflight, Fatespeaker, a furious Tsunami, and a terrified Turtle were in the cave.

The giant let out a bark of laughter that made most jump. "I do enjoy your insults and jabs, they are quite creative at times," he said with a grin. "Tell me, who do you think I am?"

"Darkstalker, a fossil about as dramatized as Blaze's beauty," spat Dust, those who knew her staring at her in shock. She never acted like this. (To people she liked)

"My power isn't quite as out of proportion as you think, Dust," said Darkstalker, still looking quite amused. "As for your powers, they aren't quite as powerful as they should be. Would you like to fix that?"

The only animus I trust is Anemone.

"I've been getting along just fine, thanks," said Dust, mentally adding onto her statement.

"Why are you offering her powers? I thought you only offered NightWings powers," said a voice from outside with a slight scoff in her voice. Fearless was apparently outside, lovely.

Don't you dare, you moon-obsessed fossilized piece of work, mentally growled Dust.

He only gave her an amused look. "Don't you get it? She is a NightWing," said Darkstalker, spilling her secret like it was nothing.

You black-hearted moony-eyed salamander.

"I'm a hybrid, what of it?" said Dust, looking around at the group, daring someone to protest. Nobody really said anything, too surprised to try to.

"I quite like that you're a hybrid. There are very few hybrids around," said Darkstalker, moving a little and raising one of his wings to the window to show off the lining of white scales they had. "Almost like we're family."

Dust snorted at that. "Yeah, as if I would like to be related to you piece of work. I feel a bit sorry for your great-great-however many greats-grand nieces and nephews. I have a feeling they're twenty times nicer than you could ever be."

"I'm hurt," said Darkstalker with a little frown on his face before he remembered something. "Don't you also have family around here?"

I swear, you better not. You better not, you cold-hearted demonized black-hearted moony-eyed loony soulless moon-blasted newt, Dust growled mentally, getting very close to actually growling as she just glared at him.

"I believe your father's brainpower just transferred into insulting power for you," said Darkstalker, laughing as he listened to Dust's long-winded insult. "What was his name again? Mastermind, was it?" In the background, Starflight dropped one of the scrolls that he was checking.

Oh, you really are a demon.

"It is."

Luckily before Darkstalker could say anything else, Anemone called attention to herself. Dust stayed quiet throughout the entire thing, watching Starflight rather than the commotion. When everyone else left, Dust was finally able to walk over to speak to him.

Wings of Fire: The PrequelsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant