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The next visit to Queen Scarlet's palace for her birthday went to the same script as last time for the most part. The only difference is that Burn left their room for a moment to go talk to someone before the two curled up on a much nicer pile of furs. Even the fights went along the same lines, the same number taking place before Rust volunteered.

A few who recognized him from last time raised their voices even louder when Rust landed on the sand. Vermillion, another dragon to recognize him, gave him a (unnaturally) wide grin and a weird (and slightly pitying) look before beginning his announcements to rile up the fight. As he did, a scarred SkyWing was dropped onto the sand who gave Rust a (weird) menacing look.

Vermillion also went off script from his usual one and done announcements. "Everyone here has some type of thing to hold against their parents, right?" he said, raising his arms in the direction of the audience who gave some type of agreement. "Whether it be that they didn't let you get that scroll that you really wanted or something much more serious."

He ain't saying...

"Today, I give you a case where the dragonet has all the reason and more to hate their parents. This SkyWing, who I'm insulted to even call a SkyWing, had an affair with a SandWing."

No, no way...

"When it was clear that the SandWing had given an egg to this world, this whelp decided that he didn't want an egg. He just wanted to be with his darling SandWing with no evidence of their relationship. I don't entirely blame him for wanting to be with a SandWing, they are great," Vermillion had the gall to wink at Burn. She glared at him, making him give her an apologetic smile. "Anyway...

"After he came to that decision, he came to another. He was too weak to crush the egg himself so he told a friend of his about it. That friend told him that it would be taken care of."

Getting the gist of everything, Rust raised his barb and snarled at the SkyWing who had the nerve to look surprised.

"That friend had told a friend, that second friend coming up with the scheme to take the egg for their own. Reluctant, that first friend waited until the last second before taking the forsaken egg from its hiding place. That dragon took the egg to their friend who finally gave it to our great and wonderful ally, Burn.

"Now, doesn't that sound like a tragic story?" Vermillion asked, getting some type of affirmative from the crowd. "And doesn't that sound like the SkyWing who was too weak and cowardly should be punished?" that got a much more clear agreement. "So, instead of this SkyWing being the first to go, why not his partner?"

Hearing the crowd roar their approval, the SkyWing tried to resist against the guards who came to take him. It wasn't that hard to grab him and put him on one of the pillars again, this time one hat had a front-row seat. In his place, a SandWing who looked terrified and yet somewhat content was dropped into the arena.

"Dragged down by her poor choice in lovers, in one corner we have Marigold of the SandWings! In the other, we have the forsaken dragonet raised with the right dragon, Rust, champion of Burn!

"Claws up, flames ready, fight!"

"Oh, aren't you just lovely?" said Marigold, her observation taking her breath from her as she stared at him fondly. Despite the warmth that should've come from a compliment from his biological mother, there was a disconnect in Rust's head. This SandWing wasn't his mother.

I don't have a mother. I only have my guardian and protector, Burn. This is just another dragon for me to kill.

"Sorry Marigold, the arena holds no room for reunions," said Rust, darting forward to give her two quick slashes across the chest before jumping back. "I'm sorry that ya got caught up in his cowardice."

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