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When Cloudwatcher turned six years old, the 'prophecy' began.

Cloud and the rest of his wing were assigned to feeding the prisoners. While Cloud didn't like doing it, it was better than being one of the guards who had to unchain the prisoners and put them in the arena. Especially when they had to go against Peril.

"Hey, did you hear the rumors?" asked Fissure, directing his question towards Cloud and snapping the dragonet out of his thoughts.

"You know I avoid rumors like the plague," said Cloud with a small huff of annoyance. "What did you hear this time?"

"The queen managed to find and catch the dragonets of destiny," said Fissure, causing Cloud to drop his bucket of prey. "You okay?"

"She-- she what?" said Cloud, his voice coming out a bit more quietly than he intended.

What in the blazes?! How?! They were supposed to be safe! The Talons of Peace were supposed to protect them! Absolute fools!

"She caught the dragonets of destiny," repeated Fissure, studying Cloud's face carefully. "Do you believe in the prophecy or something?"

"Something like that," said Cloud as he picked up the bucket again. "It's not so much as 'I believe in the dragonets' but it's more of 'I hope they do it.' I may be good in battle but it doesn't mean I like all of the fighting and killing. I prefer the option with less death and that option is hoping that the dragonets figure it all out."

"Makes sense," said Falcon while Fissure just nodded along.

From the corner of his eye, Cloud caught a flash of familiar copper scales. "I'll catch up with you guys in a second," said Cloud, leaving before they could respond. Turning the corner, Cloud smiled at a sheepish Peril. "What do you need, Peril?"

"I just wanted to see one of the dragonets before my fight," said Peril, hopelessly shrugging a moment later. Peril and Cloud had grown to be friends over the year they had known each other, Cloud not shying away from her despite her rather odd habits, mindset, etc. Ruby and Cloud also got to know each other but out of formality, Cloud wouldn't quite call them friends

"You can bring something to them," said Cloud, pulling out the first piece of prey from his bucket and offering it to Peril. "The others won't bother you to give them food if you do it first. You can talk to them for as long as you want."

"Thank you," said Peril with a smile, taking the rabbit carefully.

"No problem," said Cloud, smiling back before turning around and taking off. There was a moment of pause before Peril's wingbeats started but Cloud ignored them in favor of aiming near a black dragon. He gave out his food like normal, saving the NightWing for last.

After Cloud dropped off his piece of prey, he hovered near the NightWing curiously. He flinched a little at the sound of prey hitting his pillar, looking up and staring at Cloud in fear. "Hello," said Cloud, waiting for a moment to get nothing out of the petrified NightWing. "I'm not going to hurt you or anything. What's your name?"

He didn't speak, his wide eyes scanning Cloud without a peep.

"Being the 'wings of night' apparently means you are the quiet type," said Cloud, glancing around at the pillars upon pillars of prisoners, not even a moment after speaking. "I know that one of my friends was looking out to speak to one of you guys. Knowing her, she went for the MudWing. Any chance you could point out your SeaWing friend?"

He didn't speak again, glancing towards some of the other pillars instead.

Cloud followed his gaze to a deep blue SeaWing who was lashing her tail. "It kinda makes sense that she's the annoyed one, more of the angry one really. I would ask you where your other two friends are but I think I've terrified you enough.

Wings of Fire: The PrequelsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant