《Chapter 8 》 "Getting Somewhere..."

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Hailey's mouth formed into a sad smile as she watched the memory fade away.

"I forgive him..." she muttered, looking towards the rest of the club. "I forgive him, and you should too. He's clearly been though more bullying then any of us here ever have encountered. I mean it was so bad he was willing to make fun of us just so he didn't have to go though the pain and the heartache of being hurt all over again. Besides we treated him terribly today and need to apologize. No amount of stress put on us should effect how we treat certain band member."

Everyone else in the club gave a small smile, nodding there heads. "Skylar." Milly cheered. "Bring us back home!"

Skylar and Ava both smiled at them brightly, they had realized there mistakes. They had done there jobs correctly.

"Yes ma'am" Skylar fired back with a salute. Both her and Ava went up to one of the walls opposite of each other. They formed a small memory before shoveing a hand right though it. Breaking the mindscape.

"Hah! I knew something would happen-!" Zander shouted as he started to drift off.

Ava chuckled when Luke caught an unconscious Zander, but then fell to the ground himself.

Soon enough they were passing out left and right. Intill only one remained. Daisy. However it didn't take to long before she started to feel dizzy herself.

As Daisy began to fall to the ground unconscious, Skylar whispered. "Good luck Music Freaks."

And then it all went black.


"Jake are you sure alright?" Drew asked. But he only nodded giving his best friend a dim smile.

The two of them had finally gotten out of the boys bathroom and were walking to the school exit with Liam and Henry.

"Yeah, you sure your alright dude? All jokes aside we really do care for you." Jake let out a smile laugh. "Thanks Henry that means a lot."

They where just about to reach the front door of the school, when the music club came rushing at them. "JAKE! WAIT HOLD ON! WE NEED TO TALK TO YOU!"

Jake paused, but Drew and his friends begain to usher him outside. "PLEASE JAKE! ITS IMPORTANT!" Milly shouted from down the hall. "Don't listen to them Jake, there only here because they realized the competitions tomorrow and there without a lead singer."

Jake began to follow his friends once more. "NO JAKE WAIT!" Hailey yelled as she ran passed Liam and Henry griping tightly on his fore-arm. "Please Jake. We're sorry. We didn't mean to hurt you were just stressed and nervous. However that's no excuse and we shouldn't have taken it out on you."

"I'm so sorry Jake!!!"

"Sorry loser..."

"We'll never hurt you ever again..."

"You have helped us so much. I'm sorry."

"Guys." The music freaks did not pay any attention and continued to mutter there apologizes. "Guys!" He shouted little louder. Same effect. "GUYS!" Jake shouted out. Getting there attention.

He gave them all a small smile. "Its okay I forgive you."

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