《Chapter 3 》 'Forgotten....'

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Jake sighed as he heard the crunching louden beneath his feet. He didn't understand why everyone was so rude to him in class that day. Well.... not everyone that one girl.....what was her name? Daisy! Yes Daisy... she was nice.

Jake was so lost in thought he didn't even hear some students sneak up behind him. But by the time he realized it was already too late.

One boy pulled him back by the arms. Jake tried to fight back but couldn't becuase the boy was much larger than he was. Another yanked on a piece of his hair, making sure he was looking at the last boy in front of him.

"W-what do you want!" Jake yelled out shakily. The boy smirked. "Awww already scared?! But we haven't even got started yet...." Jake narrowed his eyes both in fear, and anger.

"The teachers will-" "The teachers will do what? Suspend me!? Ha I highly doubt that! You see my mother is very good friends with the principal you see... she believes me to be a very sweet and innocent boy. She wouldnt believe a peasant like you over me!" He laughed.

"N-no... she would..." he smirked, and got up in Jake's face. "Do you want to find out?" And without any warning, the boy had kicked one of Jake's kneecaps. Jake hissed in pain.

The boy continued to kick that one knee, intill he heard a bottled up cry. The two boys let go of him, and Jake fell to the ground with a sob.

Once the two boys left. Jake had tried to get up. Only to fall right back down again with a scream. That boy had broken his knee.

Everyone went back inside the building. Not even realizing the lack of a student. And they didn't notice intill an hour later when the teacher had called out Jake's name.

"Jake. What's the answer to number 6?" She asked. No reply. She then turned around to see everyone gaping at the empty chair.

"Wheres Jake!!" The teacher yelled out panicking. "Did any of you see him leave?"  Daisy raised her hand. "Miss I haven't seen Jake since recess. Maybe he's still outside?" The teachers eyes widened.

"You lot stay in here. I'll have the assistance teacher nextdoor watch you. I have to go find Jake." She said as she rushed to get her coat out of the closet and out the door into Miss Cottons room.


It had taken ten minutes for Miss Clover too find Jake. He was by the school benchs.

She had been running all over the playground, with the principal. Trying to find Jake. She had almost gave up and went into the school to call 911. When she heard, soft sobbing. She whipped her head around to see a freezing Jake, in the winter cold trying to get up of the ground.

"Jake!" She had cried out happily when she had found her student. She rushed over to Jake and crouched down. "Jake what happened!? No nevermind!? We need to get you inside!" She stood up and yelled out for the principal.

They eventually were able to pick him up and bring him inside, after minutes of painful crys and sobs.

They put him in one of the teachers chairs and called 911. Considering he was out in the cold for an one hour and a half, and couldn't walk.

When the medics got there they said the cold had really no affect on him. And he was lucky he hadn't got frostbite. They also had said he fractured his knee cap, which could have been caused by tripping over ice, or landing on somthing really hard.

Jake's mother then came to pick him up from school early, after the medics had put a cast on.


The music freaks were horrified. Jake had not only been assaulted, but left out in the cold for an hour without anyone noticing...

They could only imagine how Jake had felt throughout the whole thing. They sure didn't know how they would feel.

"I... I can't believe it..." Milly choked out. "That's awful..." Sean agreed quietly. Hailey was the next who spoke. "No one should have to go though that.... But that still doesn't explain nor excuse, what he has done to me and Zander for the past two years..."

Zander only nodded in agreement deciding against saying anything.

Skylar scoffed. "Are you guys for real right now!?" Her expression went darker. "Fine I guess were going to be here longer than I originally thought... which is sad considering I overestimate you guys..."

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