《Chapter 7》 "No! I don't want you hurt..."

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Authors note: Hey everyone! I know its been a long time. But know I'm now a better writer now than I was before, and I have just been very busy with school. I'm finally having the time to myself to finish this book. There's only 3 more chapters left. 2 if you don't count the short aftermath I already have written.


After what felt like forever, Skylar finally calmed down. The tears that were once flowing down her face had come to a pause. She took deep breaths as Ava and Daisy rubbed circles on her back.

Ava sighed sadly. "Im... I'm sorry guys..." I should have never had shown you that.... it was gory and sad and-and-" Luke cut her off while shaking his head.

"No Ava you were right showing us that. Yeah its sad that, that's what had to be shown for us to open our blind eyes, but we now see our mistakes. Yeah, we should have seen them before, but.... we can't change what happened in the past..."

"Yeah!" Milly joined in. "We can't change the past, but we sure can change the future! We'll make sure Jake is safe, and that nothing happens to him."

Ava gave them a small but grateful smile. She felt some of the guilt that was weighing on her, lift from her shoulders.

Seeing that everyone was now calm and quiet, Skylar stood up straight. She let out a cold breath, before speaking. "How about one last memory...?"


"Yo! Jake! You excited for high school?!" Liam asked as he, Jake and Henry were waiting for Drew.

"Uh not really, kinda nervous too be honest with you." Henry gave him a friendly smile. "Don't worry Jakey boy you got us, Drew, and even that Daisy girl you have a crush on to help you!"

Jake's face began to grow hot. "Guys! What did I say about talking about Dasiy! I haven't told Drew yet, and-"

"Haven't told me what?" Drew asked in confusion walking up from the sidewalk. "Oh! Uh! Nothing! It certainly has NOTHING to do with Daisy! Or a girl!"

Drew raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "Jake....I'm not stupid. Just tell me." Jake sighed twiddling with his thumbs. "I.... I have a crush on this girl.... her names Daisy.... I... I've known her since kindergarten. She's so kind, amazing, friendly, adorable, the list could go on for ever!" He rambled.

Drew chuckled at his cuteness. "I also hope to impress her with my amazing skills one day!" Jake shouted cheerfully. Liam and Herny raised an eyebrow in confusion. But Drew knew exactly what he met. In a instant, he grabbed Jake's arm and tugged on it intill they were out of sight from the school.

Jake looked at him softly knowing what was about to happen. "Jake.... you know you can't let anyone hear you sing at school....' Drew said sadly. "They'll pick on you, I don't want you too be all alone-"

"But I won't be Drew! Theres a music club! They have around five members so I should be fine."

"No! Jake your not understanding! I don't want to see you in pain! I don't want to see you suffer! If you join the music club it's going to be just like grade and middle school all over again!"

Jake frowned, but saw where his best friend was coming from. He was just being concerned, he didn't want him hurt.

So he gave into Drew's demands.....

"Fine Drew... I won't join...." he said dissatisfied and discouraged. Drew looked him at him sadly. But hugged him tight. "Don't worry Jake. If you ever want to sing, you can sing in front of me. I'm your best friend after all!"

Jake smiled.


Jake was now pulling Drew into the janitors closet after seeing him pick on a few kids from the music club.

"What the hell Drew!" He shouted. Tears were burning though his eyelids. "Jake! It's not what it seems!" Drew shouted desperately.

Jake crossed his arms over his chest. "Oh really!? Then what is it then?" Drew sighed. "I....I overheard some kids saying you were a music freak... so I figured if we started to mess with the music club.... they won't bother you. I mean Liam and Henry are down with it.... soo it's only you....whos.... said anything...."

Jake looked at Drew with a sad look in his eyes, and sighed. "I believe you Drew, after all.... you do love the piano."

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