With the mention of dragons getting in the way, he got to feel the frustration and annoyance of that interruption when a few IceWings got in the way when he could see Burn right there. Just past their annoying glittering scales that reflected too much light, he could see Burn scorching similar scales to fine charcoal. The rest of them were going to be powdery husks if they got between him and his Burn.

Building up fire in the back of his throat, he kept a hold of it as he lashed at the closest IceWing. She easily moved out of the way, giving an opening to her comrade. Moving just as easily, Rust dodged the blow that was meant for him. Vengeful, Rust snuck in a spiteful scratch on the IceWing's wrist.

The original IceWing went for a strike like her comrade, not all that surprised when Rust dodged. She was surprised when Rust bit her wrist, giving him leverage to dig his claws near her throat and swipe his barb by her stomach. Roaring out her fury, she latched her claws into his shoulder to get back at him.

Growling out his pain, Rust swerved both of them to the side. With that, he twisted her to be where he once was. Directly in the way of frostbreath. Kicking as hard as he could with his hind legs while letting go, he sent her careening into a nearby IceWing with one of her talons soaked in his blood. While they tried to figure that mess out, he searched for his guide.

Locked in a tussle with a different IceWing, she couldn't pay that much attention to him. She had to when Rust got into view, digging his claws into the back of her enemy while wrapping his talons around the IceWing's throat. It didn't take long before the dragon's throat was ripped to shreds, giving the guide a chance to wriggle free as the other clung to the last bit of life.

That clinging didn't last long, not when Rust dropped the IceWing. They were left to fall to their doom. Not wasting a second on them or the dragon he had helped, Rust rushed past his guide and towards Burn.

The near unnoticeable burn at the back of his throat from holding so much fire for so long began to throb. Timing was perfect as he saw Burn whirl around to snarl at a group of IceWings that were aiming for her. Getting in the way and arguably too close to the enemy, Rust let the fire meant to protect Burn loose.

It was a glorious sight to see. A wall of fire that some could argue was tinged blue was raised. The squawks and roars of pain from the IceWings were a symphony to the sight. When the last of it died down, Rust got to smirk at the singed and charred IceWings that rushed to escape.

"I don't know whether to love or hate your timing," said Burn, only getting a cheeky grin from Rust. "C'mon, we have work to do."

"Yes, ma'am," Rust said with an over-the-top salute. Wisely, Burn chose to ignore that in favor of aiming for more enemies. While he loyally followed, Rust prepared more fire.

They tore and burned through the ranks of their enemies, their claws dyed purple by the end of the battle. At the end, Rust never wanted to hold fire in his throat for longer than five seconds. He doubted he could talk for the next few days, only able to rasp snide comments through Burn's snickers. Not that it wasn't funny that he couldn't really talk through the burns in his throat, it was just annoying.

Whatever. At least I got to fight for her. After all, I'm hers.


For the next couple of months, it was rather quiet. Too quiet. Quiet enough for Burn to send Rust to the MudWing Palace to cause some ruckus.

"Remember, don't do anything I wouldn't do and don't do anything I would do."

"How thin of a line do you want me to walk?"

"Oh just shut up and get going."

As before, seven MudWings were there to greet him. This time, they vastly outnumbered him seeing as Burn didn't send anyone with him. He was capable enough in her eyes and that alone made him mentally preen at such praise.

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