1|| Her Mate•

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June groaned as she heard someone, most likely her foster mom ( Cathy), stomp up the stairs. June rolled into a taco and moaned as the warmth tackled her. Her peacefulness was soon destroyed when Cathy opened her blinds. Cathy made sure she yelled extra loud when saying  get up.  

"Now!" Cathy voiced loudly. 

"Ok." June's soft voice squeaked. 

The mother walked out without any other words, stomping all the way down the stairs. Today, June is moving to a new home,a new family that doesn't want her. June got up not wanting to anger Cathy more and got clothes so she could take a shower. That's the one thing that can relax her. She walked out of her room towards the bathroom, but was stopped by her "father". 

"No shower, just get in the car." His words coming out with disgust. 

She nodded and walked back to her room. Putting the clothes on the bed she went to get a suitcase, but once again she was stopped and put in the car. She was confused. Wasn't she supposed to pack before leaving? Now she won't have clothes to wear. But she decided not to ask why, knowing it would cause an argument. 

She sat in an overwhelming silence while the man drives. He was no longer her father. No one was. She had no family. And that scared her. 

"Get out." He spat. 

She looked over at him with her eyebrows raised and noticed he was not joking. She saw she was in the middle of the woods. No person in sight. Where is my new "family"? 

"Here?" She asked out. 

He only just nodded and looked at the road. She nodded in understanding and got out of the car. Stepping off the road into the dirt she looked back at the car to see it driving off, fast. Confusing wrapping around her head in seconds. 

"You've been kicked out of the pack. You're a rouge now. Have fun with the last few hours of your life, June."

She knew that voice, the latest of her fathers. 

She felt the link break and soon, she didn't feel her pack at all. She was officially a rouge. No one was there for her. Even though she didn't have a family like a human, she had the family of her pack. Now she didn't even have that. And she was going to die soon, she was weak, like a human. Her wolf was not there. She sometimes wondered if she was human. If she didn't have a wolf. But then why would she have the link? 

"Agh!" She groaned out loud. But once she did she covered her mouth with the speed like flash. She knew if there were any other rouges out here then they would have heard her, and are coming. With that thought, she was off. Ran in a direction she didn't know. She just hopped that it was the direction of somewhere good. No pack territorys. She guessed he had dumped her in the middle of 2 pack lands. So if she was careful she could stay in the middle and be free. She was still scared that she would come across a rouge. But staying in one spot was like suicide. She had to move. 

She watched as the trees passed by, their fall colors showing and throwing a party with their leaves dancing to the ground. It made her have a sense of happiness seeing the nature and it's beauty. She forgot out all of her problems while looking around, but when she stopped her problems hit her like bricks. She didn't know where to go, and if she was in another pack's land. She didn't know if or where rouges were. And why her pack got ride of her. It's not like she caused problems. All she wanted was a family, someone to love her. She never stuck her nose in other people's business or hurt someone. Is it because she is different? Not like the others? It wasn't her fault her wolf was a coward. To be honest, She was a coward just like her wolf, they had that in common. 

June stopped running, and looked around. She didn't see any rouges. She hoped she was not in another pack's land. That would be really bad. She's heard of other packs taking in rouges and using them for their own pleasure and punching bags then killing them once they got tired. She didn't want that fate. She had to make sure she wouldn't have that fate, but it was hard when they had the upper hand of having their wolves. 

Just when June thought she was safe she heard growling. Slowly she turned to face the angry creature. Once she saw the sharp, deadly teeth and emotionless, hard eyes she felt that this was it. She was going to die. She didn't even have any of her firsts. Unless you count her first dad, she has had many of those. But the happy firsts, the exciting ones. The ones that make your heart pound or to jump with happiness. She just wanted to have a normal life, but I guess you can't have one of those when you're not human or a werewolf. 

"What are you doing here?" 

June was shocked, she didn't get killed. She would have thought they would have killed her in an instant. She went to speak, but couldn't. Not even a peep came through her mouth. Maybe, because she was scared and shocked or because she saw the mans dangly bits. She quickly covered her eyes. 

"Answer me, Now." His voice held power and confidence. Maybe Omega or Beta. Even though she didn't have her wolf she could still feel the power of other ones. So could humans. 

Once again, her voice failed her. 

"Fine, if you won't speak, you will have fun speaking with the Alpha." 

Her eyes went wide, She didn't want to meet the Alpha. Every Alpha she has met has been rude and mean. They didn't care if they hurt anyone, they were emotionless, meanie heads.                      (June is innocent.)  

June started shaking her head, While putting her hands out. But he didn't listen, he didn't care. As he walked closer she took a step back. It became a pattern until he got mad and used his speed to pick her up, and may I add very gently. (Not really) 

She whimpered at the hard grip he had. He didn't even react to her whimpering, just continued to walk to a big gate. Her heart started to pound, and not in a good way.

'I'm going to have a heart attack.' She thought. 

Her mate (BxG)Where stories live. Discover now