Chapter 5: The rat god.

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italic = english

Nezu had something new to play with, and he liked it very much. Aizawa regretted telling him about the incident with the family, and then the two kids. He was praying that he wouldn't invade their personal space, even if he didn't care too much about it.

"I still don't understand why you are so interested in them?" Nemuri asked, who was sipping on some tea, "You said that their files are clean, there are enough camera shots with them from years back, and so on."

"It's a little too normal."

"Not everybody is as crazy as you are, or any of our students. Not everybody has a bone destroying kink, you know?"

The little build-a-bear sipped on his tea, "But you know, the lady is searching for a job as a language teacher, and yes, I have looked up her search history. And I am interested." "She is married." "Not like that! I have looked up her resume, and she can speak 10 languages fluently, a few examples are English, French and Portuguese."

"So, what language do you want her to cover? Or is there another reason why we are here?" Aizawa asked, slightly annoyed.

"I need some help deciding, I would maybe go for French, but my question is, how good are the students at English? Hizashi?"

"As if you wouldn't know, but to answer the question, while they do have the grammar down, and a big vocabulary, they do have problems with pronunciation and the general use of these words. They could find their way around, but only with troubles."

Nezu nodded, "Alright. So an extra English course, which is focusing on interaction with others. And her experience in other countries will help."

"Shouldn't you, you know, ask her first?" Nemuri suggested.

"Oh don't you worry," Nezu grinned.


The group of four were in the living room, and while the adults were looking for jobs, Ritsu started planning their 'business'. Karma was asleep on the couch, with Nagisa on top of him. Both were extremely calm, so calm they could almost resemble corpses, since you could barely hear anything from them.

When the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," Irina said, getting into character. She looked at the camera, but there was nobody? Did some kids play a prank on them, but then the doorbell rang again, so she opened the door. And as she expected, there was nobody, "Seems like some kids played a prank."

"Not quite!"

Irina looked down, only to see some strange creature, which she couldn't pinpoint, in a suit.

"Well, aren't you classy," she said, leaning into the doorframe. "What can I do for you on this day?" Irina kindly asked.

"Well, may I first enter, if it isn't too troubling?"

Irina moved out of the way to let the small creature inside. From Ritsu, she knew that he was an important man, or rat-mouse-bear thing, in power. Nezu seemed satisfied with himself.

Karasuma saw the small being enter, and quickly shot a glance at Irina, who just shrugged. Nezu quietly watched the silent interaction. Something he also saw were the two kids in the room. If it wasn't for his enchanted hearing, he wouldn't be able to realise that they were in the room.

"Should we move to another room, or will it be alright if we stay here?" Nezu asked, his voice above a whisper.

"No need, we are awake," Nagisa yawned. "I don't want to wake up," Karma said annoyed, since the warmth on his chest has moved. "We have a guest, so wake up before I do something you won't like." "Why are you so mean!"

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