Chapter 22: Note to myself, listen to children next time.

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Aizawa was in the living room, wondering what he could do. Of course, one option could be to ask Nagisa questions, but at this point, he suspected that it wasn't Nagisa that he saw, since the only thing he saw was the blue hair and small figure. But a villain could have also been tiny and have blue hair. And even if it was Nagisa, questioning him now would only harm Aizawa's investigations in the future.

He knew that searching the rooms on the floor above it would be a stupid idea since the door to Nagisa's room was open, and he could be spotted every time because no matter how good you are, you can always mess up.

And the rooms on this floor were nothing special, and he had read every book in the library already, so there was nothing there to keep him busy. Television was always something he couldn't stand, due to the bad acting, since most actors just can't bring out true emotions, and the news was just boring. Napping would be considered rude, even if there isn't anybody watching him at the moment.

And the only place he didn't look in? The basement.

'Sure, Karma is a prankster, but it can't be that bad, right?' Aizawa wondered while looking at the door, which might entertain him a little. 'I have seen the projectile above, but that wasn't anything too special, and I can doge if more comes my way. So why is my gut telling me no? It's just a basement.' His mind echoed, 'Irina's basement', but he decided to ignore that. His mind tried to reason with him again, 'She and Nemuri are like two copies, just look different.' But Aizawa wasn't in any situation, where his gut and mind had a word to say. So against all better judgment, he went to the door.

Without even thinking about checking if there would be any traps, because why would there, this is a family house, the door opened, and he entered. Now, he would have expected a dozen projectiles to aim for him, but to his surprise, anything was yet to come at him.

'Maybe he works on stuff down there, and didn't boobytrap it? But I guess that I understand the warning, it could be a little tricky to get yourself caught in one of his traps, which he doesn't use. It's the same with new equipment.'

Aizawa started to look around, slowly moving forward. They were exercising bikes, and what not to train, even if some things were covered in plain blankets, so he couldn't see what was under it. But they aren't too long in this house, so having some unpacked stuff isn't too unusual, and he knew that he couldn't move anything, because Irina always knew when something which belonged to her was touched.

'But where are the pranks?' Aizawa wondered as he walked to the last door in the basement, 'Maybe in that room over there? But nothing seems to have been booby-trapped, like I expected.'

Slowly, approaching the last door, he began thinking of what could await him there. Way too much neon paint, or glitter? Glitter seemed reasonable. At this point, his gut was screaming at him to return the fuck to the couch and nap, but Aizawa came this far, so he would continue. And then? Then he opened the door.

A blur of pinkish-purple, and something hitting his head. Then it all turned black.

Ritsu stared at the body under her, the metal pipe she used to knock him out, held in her left, she was just so thankful that the man wasn't dead, or else there would have been problems. They would have needed to fake something, and kidnap Nagisa to another location, and so much more.

Honestly, why don't humans listen when you tell them not? She thanked herself, because she decided to watch the man, and putting something over devices and material which shouldn't be in your day to day family household.

"Now, what to do with him?" Ritsu asked herself, and then grinned, maybe it was time to use the knowledge Karma had downloaded into her brain, while she was on his phone. "Oh, you will regret ever entering this basement, hope you like glitter~"

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