False Labour

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The next day Hünkar looked exhausted as she didn't sleep, she was on route to the hospital. She arrived at the entrance, Yilmaz was coming  outside for some fresh air when he noticed her car

Yilmaz: Anne hos geldin, iyi misin?
Hünkar: Hos bulduk oglum, iyiyim. Any news how is he?
Yilmaz: He's still sleeping the nurse said it's normal bearing in mind he lost a lot of blood and given his age, but he's improving slightly. Anne you look exhausted did you sleep at all last night?

He helped her up the stairs and inside

Hünkar: A little bit, but not much was too worried about him. Let's go and see him
Yilmaz: Tamam Anne gel

Then he walked her all the way to ICU, they went in

Mujgan: Hos geldin Hünkar hanim, now don't be alarmed but we have him another blood transfusion as he got slightly worse during the night but not to worry his vitals are really good tamam
Hünkar: Tamam canim, can I see him?
Mujgan: Evet, in you go.

She opened the door and walked in and sat beside him, she took his hand kissed then caressed his face

Hünkar: Oh canim... please wake up... I miss you so much, your touch I hardly slept last night because you weren't there beside me... just come back to me please

She started crying and put her head on his stomach still holding his hand tight when suddenly he lifted his other hand to her head and stroked her hair then he coughed and started choking

Fekeli: Canim... (cough)(cough)
Hünkar: Ali Rahmet, cok sükür, it's ok keep calm, sakin ol I'll get Mujgan... Mujgan... Yardim edin

She came running with Yilmaz and a nurse

Hünkar: He woke up but he's choking, help him please

Yilmaz took her hand and pulled her into a hug as she was crying

Mugjan: Ali Rahmet bey sakin ol, sakin... that's it breath
Hünkar: Ah allah askina ya, Yilmaz
Yilmaz: Tamam Anne sakin ol, he'll be fine tamam
Fekeli: Hünkar...

She turned round he extended his hand, she waddled over to him crying

Hünkar: Allahim cok sükür, your ok... we all prayed for you. I love you so much, I don't know what I would've done without you.
Fekeli: Shh shh I'm ok, look I'm still alive

She started crying again but happy tears, when she felt something unusual, then a sharp pain she put one hand on her stomach and fekeli noticed

Hünkar: Argh... oh ow ow ow... ah
Fekeli: Hünkar iyi misin?

She took a deep breath in

Hünkar: I'm not sure... argh... no no no canim not yet please
Fekeli: Hünkar speak to me what's wrong

He was trying to get up from the bed to check her

Hünkar: I... I think the baby is coming. Ah yep definitely on the way argh... ah...
Fekeli: Hünkar breath, breath I'll get help

He got up from the bed and shouted for help while Hünkar was on the floor in pain struggling to cope with contractions coming so quick

Ali Rahmet struggled to get up

Hünkar: Ali... Ali get back into bed please. Ah... I'm fine it will pass it's just practise ones honest, Mujgan said I would start getting them now
Fekeli: It doesn't matter I will get her to check you tamam. Mujgan... Mujgan quick

She seen him and came running with Yilmaz

Mugjan: Ne oldu? you shouldn't be out of bed get back in!
Fekeli: It's Hünkar she started I think

They go in, she goes straight to her while Yilmaz helps him back to bed under protest

Mugjan: Hünkar hanim how often are the pains?
Hünkar: I've just had 2 there it's only practise contractions though my water hasn't broken
Mujgan: Tamam I want to check ok, can you stand and walk?
Hünkar: Evet

Mujgan takes her off to check her out

30 minutes later

They come back in

Hünkar: See I told you they were practise ones
Fekeli: Are you sure? Everything's alright?
Mujgan: Evet I wouldn't have let her come back other wise tamam
Fekeli: Tamam

He took her hand

Fekeli: I was very worried about you please don't do that to me again
Hünkar: Tamam I promise I won't, it's just me being worried about you. You really scared me, what happened? Who did this to you?

He looked at Yilmaz and then at Hünkar

Fekeli: It's nothing was just a fight at the cafe I helped break up then things went to far
Hünkar: Your not telling the truth I seen the way you looked at him. Now tell me what actually happened!
Fekeli: Tamam but first you promise to stay calm
Hünkar: I promise
Fekeli: It was some men I had a deal with that's all they are trying to scare me into selling my land

Hünkar went very pale suddenly

Hünkar: That's all... that's all they could've killed you and then where would I be raising this baby without you. Why do they want your land
Fekeli: Before the wedding I was in the process of selling land but changed my mind and they didn't like it and they have retaliated like this
Hünkar: Tamam it must've been the same man who turned up at the house months ago he was looking for you, I said to him you were working and then he left.
Fekeli: What? Why didn't you tell me? Or Yilmaz
Hünkar: I forgot I didn't thinks anything of it until now I'm sorry

Fekeli got up from the bed and started putting on clothes

Hünkar: What are you doing? You can't leave Mujgan kizim tell him, Yilmaz
Mujgan: Hünkar hanim is right your not strong enough yet and there is a risk of infection tamam
Yilmaz: Baba are you signing yourself out?
Fekeli: Evet I am, Mujgan organise the paperwork
Hünkar: Ali Rahmet lutfen please stay in your still recovering. Mujgan please tell him
Fekeli: Hayir Hünkar the men came to the house you are in danger and so is everyone else I need to protect you, our family

He walked round to her and took her hand then put a hand on her stomach and gazed into her eyes

Fekeli: I will be fine honest, with you near me I will recover
Hünkar: Tamam I don't want you to die though that's the problem if you get an infection you could die
Fekeli: If it makes you feel better we can have Mujgan stay with us until I'm better tamam

She looked at Mujgan and and nodded, then Mujgan went to get the paperwork for his release

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