Code Blue

141 9 2

Hünkar was sleeping peacefully Fekeli was keeping watch when suddenly monitors started beeping and going off

Fekeli: Ah allah askina ya, Hünkar.... Hünkar wake up!
Hünkar: Ah Anne. What's  the matter

He got up from the bed first and ran to get a dr she struggled

Hünkar: Anne, Anne it's ok everything is fine. Please don't leave me tamam.
Fekeli: Yardim edin. Çabuk

They all came running, Hünkar was holding her mother's hand crying begging her not to leave while Dr's where moving her out of the way

Sabahattin: Hünkar stand back please

She reluctantly did it she turned towards Fekeli  to hold him as she watched them save her mother she was scared and crying then the monitors stopped

Sabahattin: She's back, she is breathing on her own quick remove the tube

She was struggling to breath then her eyes started flicker then shot open she was scared

Sabahattin: Hünkar, come calm her down she needs to hear your voice she's looking for you
Hünkar: Tamam. Anne geldim, geldim don't panic

She walked over and took her hand again and kissed it then hugged her

Hünkar: Anne I'm so glad your back I missed you so much

Hamine lifted her hand towards her face and caressed it

Hamine: Where am I? What happened?
Hünkar: Tamam Anne it's ok you feel and hurt your head, you had a bleed in your brain but Sabahattin fixed it tamam
Hamine: Tatlimi yedim mi?
Hünkar: Evet Anne you have hahaha. She back to normal tanriya sükür

Hamine went back to sleep again as Hünkar held her hand

Hünkar: Sagol Sabahattin, I mean it you saved her life again how can I ever repay you?

She got up slowly and hugged him

Sabahattin: Tamam Hünkar I'm just doing my job and she's family I will do anything for family tamam

Fekeli shook his hand and then hugged Hünkar again and left

Hünkar: Thank god she's ok I can relax now I know she is going to be ok
Fekeli: Evet you need to rest please go back to sleep let's cuddle up again and sleep tamam
Hünkar: Yes that sounds nice I love snuggling up next to you makes me feel safe and warm, I think we should stay like this for ever tamam
Fekeli: Evet tamam we should, but unfortunately we can't reality will in soon
Hünkar: Yeah your right but for now let's just dream we can tamam
Fekeli: Tamam canim seni seviyorum Hünkar Fekeli, I love you very much

He kissed her then they cuddled in for a while on the bed until they both drifted off to sleep together

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