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Yilmaz car pulled up outside the house

Yilmaz: Adnan! Hamine! Nerdsin!

No answer, Cetin walked towards him

Cetin: We have everybody looking for them tamam
Yilmaz: Anne nerde?
Cetin: She's in the bottom field looking them
Yilmaz: You let her go own her own Cetin! She's pregnant and that field is massive not to mention it has a the woods attached to it! Ah allah askina ya Cetin let's go

Yilmaz and Cetin ran to the bottom field to help her. Meanwhile Hünkar is walking through the woods

Hünkar: Anne! Adnan! Nerdsin? Ah Anne where are you what have you done?

She was walking and came across one of Hamine's bracelets

Hünkar: Good at least I'm in the right place. Adnan! Anne! Ah oh Tamam canim

She felt a kick and rubbed her stomach

Hünkar: Tamam canim I know well stop soon I promise I just need to find Adnan and Hamine tamam.

She continued walking with one on her back and one on her tummy. Yilmaz and Cetin approached the field

Yilmaz: Anne where are you?
Cetin: Büyük hanim

They stopped and the foot of the woods

Yilmaz: Anne!

She could here them and shouted

Hünkar: Yilmaz over here come quick! I found something!

They both ran over quickly and got her

Yilmaz: What did you find Anne!
Hünkar: One of her bracelets, they both came this way we just need to keep looking
Yilmaz: Anne your tired and pregnant you need to go back and rest tamam
Cetin: Yilmaz is right Büyük hanim
Hünkar: Hayir I'm fine honestly just a little bit longer lutfen

He looked at her she was crying and worried for them both

Yilmaz: Tamam Anne we'll keep looking for them but if nothing we phone the jandarma ok.
Hünkar: Tamam oglum thanks let's keep looking

They all continued searching until Cetin found blood. He showed Yilmaz discretely but it didn't work

Hünkar: Cetin what's, what's that you found?
Cetin: Nothing, it's nothing
Hünkar: Cetin don't lie to me what did you find? Show me tamam
Yilmaz: Anne don't you'll only get upset please don't
Hünkar: Why what is it?

Cetin showed her the bloody hankie she immediately took it from him and started crying she fell to the ground on her knees

Hünkar: Hayir, Hayir ah allah askina ya what is happening to you both? Why is this happening!
Yilmaz: Tamam Anne. Tamam sakin ol it's ok we will find them tamam, now caml down and me and Cetin will help you up tamam
Hünkar: Tamam oglum

He hugged her and wiped her eyes then helped her up to continue looking for them. They came closer to the edge of the woods when Cetin spotted a little old shack with a light on so the rushed over

Hünkar: Anne! Adnan! Are you there?
Yilmaz: Adnan! Hamine! Nerdsin?

Something shifted in the window they all noticed it the door opened

Adnan: Babaanne... Babaanne!

He was crying he came running towards her with open arms wanting up

Hünkar: Ah Adnan Babaannesin, I've been so worried about you and Hamine. Where is Hamine canim?

He glanced at the house then she hugged tightly while they went in to find Hamine

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