On Way to Hospital

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They were on route to the hospital she was crying in pain

Yilmaz: Tamam Anne tamam. ah Allah askina ya this is all my fault!
Hünkar: Tamam oglum don't blame yourself, it's my fault if I hadn't came between you and Zuleyha this wouldn't have happened it's my fault, I'm being punished
Yilmaz: You're not being punished it's me, my fault.

He reached for her hand and squeezed it

Fekeli: Hünkar nerde? Where are you where did Yilmaz take you?

Yilmaz's car screeched into the hospital drive way

Yilmaz: Yardim edin! Yardim edin
Hünkar: Ah... I'm bleeding more and more. Ah allah askina ya
Yilmaz: Tamam. I'm sorry this is my fault

He lifted her out of the car and carried her inside to the emergency room

Sabahattin: What happened?
Yilmaz: it's a long story she just started bleeding, she hit the dash board though
Sabahattin: Tamam
Hünkar: Don't leave me Yilmaz, can he stay please.
Sabahattin: Tamam can someone phone Fekeli please and Demir!

They rushed her to the emergency room And Yilmaz went with her

The Yaman Mansion

The phone was ringing Zuleyha answered it

Zuleyha: Hello, Ne? Is she she alright right I'm on my way tamam. Sanyie... Sanyie if Demir comes home tell him I'll be at the hospital Hünkar is there she not well he'll know what to do Tamam.
Sanyie: Tamam. Is she ok?
Zuleyha: I don't know

Zuleyha left in a hurry

Fekeli's house

Nazirye: Hello, Evet Hayir he's out. What tamam I'll tell him. Cetin... Cetin find Ali Rahmet and tell him to go to the hospital Hünkar's there now çabuk.

He left to find Ali Rahmet

Back at the Hospital

Yilmaz: She's going to be ok isn't she Sabahattin and the baby?
Sabahattin: Evet the bleeding is gradually stopping and her blood pressure is fine. Now are you going to tell me the reason she's here?
Hünkar: We were in an accident cattle on the road he swerved to avoid hitting them, then the  shepherds tried to carjack us.

Yilmaz's face dropped

Sabahattin: Is this true Yilmaz
Yilmaz: Evet what she said

Sabahattin left to see other patients. Yilmaz was still holding her hand tightly

Yilmaz: Why did you lie to him?
Hünkar: I didn't that's the story we're telling if Fekeli and Demir find out what actually happened they will kill you and that's not what a I want your both my sons now wither you like it or not and a mother protects her children tamam.
Yilmaz: Tamam Anne. I can't believe I'm going. To be a big brother. I've always wanted a sister.
Hünkar: Haha that's exactly what Demir said. Now tell no one what happened promise me?
Yilmaz: Promise Anne

The door opens and Zuleyha and walks straight over to her and hugs her

Zuleyha: Anne what happened? What did you do to her?
Yilmaz: Nothing
Hünkar: Tamam kizim we were in an accident that's all
Zuleyha: Tamam, really?
Hünkar: Evet I hit the dash board hard Yilmaz tried to put his hand across to stop me but it wasn't enough tamam.
Zuleyha: Iyi misin Anne?  Do you need anything Anne?
Hünkar: Hayir kizim just sit down and talk to me.

A road somewhere in Cukurova

Fekeli's car is racing down the road with Cetin following him as he flags him down. He stops

Cetin: Fekeli you get to the hospital quick it's Hünkar, she at the hospital
Fekeli: Ne oldu? Is she ok?
Cetin: I don't know
Fekeli: Ah allah askina ya, Tamam Cetin

Just at that Demir pulled up

Demir: what happened did you find her ?
Fekeli: Demir don't panic she's at the hospital now let's go
Demir: What? If she's hurt because of Yilmaz I swear I'll kill him

They all get in there cars and drive off quickly

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