At The Cabin

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They all approached the cabin she handed Adnan to Cetin, then proceeded to open the door but Yilmaz stopped her he went in first slowly he seen blood on the floor then Hamine's hand

Yilmaz: Hamine... Hamine, can you hear me?
Hünkar: What is it? Is she ok? Huh Anne... Anne ah allah askina ya

She barged past Yilmaz and knelt beside her unconscious mother with great difficulty

Hünkar: Anne... Anne oh Anne what have you done oh Anne
Yilmaz: Cetin run back and get the car quickly
Cetin: Tamam

He left with Adnan

Yilmaz: We need to figure out where the bleeding is coming from Anne tamam
Hünkar: Tamam

They checked every part until they rolled her and found it was coming from the back of her head

Yilmaz: We need to stop the bleeding tamam

Hünkar tore the bottom of her skirt applied pressure to head then Yilmaz tore his shirt wrapped it round as a bandage

Yilmaz: Right I'm going to lift her up and we're going to walk back tamam
Hünkar: Let me help she is really heavy
Yilmaz: Hayir Anne your pregnant I'll manage. Ok maybe she is heavy I'll take her weight if you put her arm over your shoulder Anne tamam
Hünkar: Tamam

She stood up and he slowly got up with Hamine as he took the wait they both left walking back to the house

Back At House

Fekeli's car pulled in the drive as Cetin got into his

Fekeli: Ne oldu?
Cetin: Hamine went missing with Adnan and she had an accident.
Fekeli: Ne why did no one phone me? Where is Hünkar?
Cetin: With Yilmaz and Hamine in the south field waiting on the car
Fekeli: Tamam let's go now

They got into both cars and drove down to the cabin

Hünkar: Yilmaz dur, dur, dur I just need a minute to rest tamam
Yilmaz: Tamam you've done enough you rest I'll carry her the rest of way

She leaned against the tree she was getting tired She rubbed her tummy and pulled a face of pain

Yilmaz: Iyi misin Anne? Anne
Hünkar: Iyiyim oglum I'm good just keep going we're nearly there... Oh canim your really letting me have it aren't you?

She rubbed her tummy again kept walking. Just then they heard a cars tyres screeching to a halt

Yilmaz: That will be Cetin with the car let's hurry Anne
Hünkar: Tamam... Oh arghh... ah... oh canim

She crouched in pain it passed real quickly she was normal again

Fekeli: Yilmaz what happened? Where's Hünkar?
Yilmaz: She's right behind me
Hünkar: I'm here I'm coming. Ah Ali Rahmet I'm so worried about Anne, where's Adnan?
Cetin: He's back at the house with Nazirye büyük hanim

She went over to car and slid in over across the back seats, Yilmaz laid Hamine in the car on the back seat Hünkar got in beside her, Yilmaz went with Fekeli to the hospital

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