Yaman Mansion

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Fekeli's cat pulls up outside the front Raci and Gaffur helps bring the bags in And Demir and Zuleyha are waiting to welcome them

Demir: Hos geldin Anne. Nasilsin Anne?
Hünkar: Günaydin oglum iyiyim? Günaydin Zuleyha nasilsin?
Zuleyha: Iyiyim Anne.

Just at that Adnan comes running out and runs to Hünkar and threw his little arms around her and jumped

Adnan: Babaanne, babaanne
Hünkar: Ah Adnan babaannenin boy

She picked him up and cuddled him

Zuleyha: Adnan down, don't jump on granny she's sore tamam.
Hünkar: Zuleyha I'm ok really and anyway I've missed him.

Zuleyha took him from Hünkar and helped her inside while Sanyie brought hamine in with Fadik

Fekeli: Now the plan is to tell Yilmaz everything and then we will all sit down together and talk about how we're going to move forward ok.
Hünkar: Tamam I'm just nervous about how he's going to act that's all.
Fekeli: I know, I know but we have to tell him the truth. Now I love you so much don't know how I will cope knowing your not at home, I will miss you.
Hünkar: I know you will but it's only for a couple of days and I be back home with you safe and sound with you and it will be just me and you and the baby.

She put her hands on her stomach then took his hand and placed it on her stomach then kissed her

Fekeli: I love really do love you Hünkar.
Hünkar: Me too I just can't believe that we're actually having a baby and we're married and Demir has forgiven you it's just crazy to think that we almost killed each other last year.
Fekeli: I now I remember but things will be good from now on tamam.
Hünkar: Tamam, I can't wait to be back home with you.

She kissed him then hugged him

Hünkar: You better go until tomorrow, hosça kal askim.
Fekeli: 40 years of loving you from afar, we got together and now we have to be apart again. But only for a while.

He kissed one last and went home

2 Hours Later

Hünkar: Annem nerde?
Fadik: Hanimim she's sleeping
Hünkar: Tamam Fadik I'll go and check on her

She left the living and went to check her mother she opened the slightly to find nothing

Hünkar: Anne. Anne ah allah askina ya Fadik! Fadik gel buraya! Çabuk!
Fadik: Evet bükcanim
Hünkar: Annem nerde? You said you put her to bed. So where is she?
Fadik: I swear bükcanim she was here look her bed is still warm she can't have gone far.

They both left and searched for hamine

Hünkar: Zuleyha! Zuleyha!
Zuleyha: Evet Anne ne oldu?
Hünkar: Annem seninle?
Zuleyha: Hayir, neden?
Hünkar: Annem kayip I need to find her, Fadik you look in the house I will go outside tamam.
Fadik: Tamam bükcanim

She left and Zuleyha came down chasing after Hünkar

Zuleyha: Anne, Anne you can't go out there on your own I'll come with you incase something happens to you we have think about you and the baby Anne. As well as Hamine ok.
Hünkar: Sh don't say that so loud tamam let's go.

They both leave

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