I'm Persephy. Wait. That's not my name.

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"Okay then how about we show them your life?" Hecate said. 

"Uh, as awesome as I am is I'd prefer to keep my life private." I said 'AND THEY DON'T WANT TO SEE MY LIFE!' I mentally screamed at Hecate and she winced at the volume. 

"If your going to transmit I'd prefer if you didn't do it as loud as you can." Hecate said glaring at me, I shrugged in response.

"Since you gave me a migraine for the next century I'm going to show the elves your life." Hecate said. 

My mouth dropped open, "I'm sorry My Lady-" 

"Don't worry it will only be the important parts and up to last year." Hecate said. 

I sighed "Fine."


"Wait. Really?" Hecate said doing a terrible job at trying to hide her shock. 

"Well do I have a choice?" I asked rolling my eye's. 

Hecate thought for a moment "No." she said. 

"So... are we doing a movie? Should I get some popcorn?" I asked Hecate. 

"No, I think I'll just." Hecate waved her hand making the elves eye's glaze over "Do that." she said.

A really blurry dude gasped "Y-you're a g-god?" he stuttered.


"You created us?"


"You have powers?"

"You do too."


"The gods created you elves after we created the humans because the humans were too destructive. Then you were too perfect and became boring so we went back to humans." Hecate interrupted. "Now, if you have any questions feel free to ask Persephone." Hecate disappeared in a flash of light and I stuck up my middle finger to where she was standing before.

I can still see you! Hecate yelled in my head, Geez, chill dude I was joking. I said er- thought.

"Ahem, Persephone?" Wrinkly dude said. 

"Yeah? Wassup?" I answered. 

"What are your talents?" Wrinkly said patiently. 

"Uhhh, I'm really good at annoying people." I said, the frozen lady sighed. 

"We saw that you're a hydrokinetic," I opened my mouth "Have the ability to manipulate water." I quickly closed it "is there anything else that we don't know about." 

"I can manipulate water and I have telepathy." I said, "Those are probably the more important ones." I thought aloud. 

"You have more powers?" Wrinkly asked. 

"Yeah, don't ask me what they are though cause I forgot." I said shrugging. 

"You just forgot all your powers." Cracky stone guy said unbelievingly, "Yup, now if you don't mind. I'm going to go to sleep." I said passing out.


"Wait... Really?" I said, The collective is trusting me, after three weeks of knowing them. To protect their precious moonlark. 

"Yes, when Sophie comes to the high seas facility you will go back with her and poise as the Black Swan representative." said Wrinkles #2. 

I could feel that there were two different souls coming to teach me stuff, I gave Wrinkles a heart attack when I pointed it out. That was also the day that Wrinkles 2 told me his name was actually Forkle, like his Black Swan name is Forkle. I'm still trying to figure out why the hell they named themselves after a fork. I came to the conclusion that Elves are weird.

Forkle was staring at me and I remembered that we were having a conversation.

"Why me?" I asked, I thought they wouldn't let me anywhere near Sophie for a looong time. 

"I'm hoping that sending you will show that we are trying to work along side the council." Forkle replied with a stoic expression. 

"And because I'm a child they won't see me as a threat." I finished. 

"Essentially." Forkle said. 

"You know there are like a bazillion problems with that plan, right?" Forkle ignored me. 

"Like they could start thinking 'The Black Swan is going to make thousands more weaponized children, don't trust any.' or 'They are getting children to do all their shit.' or-" 

"Watch your language." Forkle chastised. 

I rolled my eye's in response, "I saw that." Nothing get's past this dude. Or is it dudes? The whole identical twin think is confusing. 

Forkle pulled out a weird looking gadget and I felt a pang in my heart thinking about how much Leo would have loved to tinker with it. He grabbed onto me and I felt a funny sensation, I'd take this over shadow travel any day. No screaming, no souls trying to latch onto you as you travel, just  your molecules being torn apart and put back together.

"So... this is the high seas facility?" I asked looking around. 

"Yes." Forkle said. I looked down the gloomy hallway with barely any light. I could feel the water and Forkle kept walking closer to it. The entrance must be in a cave or something. After 10,000 years of walking we made it to the other end of the hallway and I went to push the door open but Forkle stopped me. 

"Give them the name Altum." he said. 

"Tide in Latin? Very creative, and no." I replied stubbornly. 

"You can't tell them your real name." Forkle said impatiently. 

"Why? Not like they are going to know me." I said. 

"You're a terrorist in the human lands." Forkle pointed out. 

"Touché." I replied, and Forkle nodded thinking he won.

When Forkle pushed the door open I smelt the familiar scent of sea salt air. Forkle started walking into the cave and I quickly fell in line behind him when I caught sight of two kids my age. "Oh thank gods. I thought you were going to be an adult." I said excitedly in the enlightened language. 

"Uhm... who are you?" said a blond haired boy. 

"Chill. Forky dude is hiding in the shadows right over there." I said pointing to a corner of the cave.

Forkle stepped out of the shadows. "Woah Forkster, you must teach me your ways." Keefe said.

"Also who are you?" He asked me again. 

"I'm Persephy. Wait. That's not my name-" 

"Woohoo, you accidentally gave us your real name." Keefe said pumping his fists in the air. 

"You might as well just show us what you really look like now too. Right Soph?" Sophie rolled her eye's though I could see a glimmer of hope. Hoping that someone in the Black Swan might trust her. 

"Sorry to disappoint, but this is what I really look like. Also my name is Persephone. I literally just introduced myself wrong." I said, Keefe looked at me suspiciously. 

"Yeah, Mr. Shadows and Secrets over there wanted me to give you the name Altum." I said rolling my eye's causing Forkle to glare at me. I lazily glared back. 

"Anyway, nice t- Hold up. Is that an alicorn?" I said staring at the sparkle white horse lying down on the other end of the cave. 

"Yeah, her name is Silveny." Sophie said with a smile,  I walked over to her and Silveny looked up at me.

'Hey.' I said using my weird horse telepathy, 'HELLO' Silveny yelled. 

"Woah girl, you really need to work on your volume." I said aloud. 

'SORRY' Silveny said a little bit quieter. 

"You can hear her?" 

Persephone Jackson and the Lost Cities (Fem! Percy Jackson x KOTLC) ON HAITUSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora