Don't Say No

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Hello amazing people that are reading this! I think that I am going to cut this story short. I don't have the time, or patience to continue it. It will be messily wrapped up but I will do my best to keep it entertaining.

I might keep this book as a one shot sort of thing to keep adding onto after.

Sandor POV

Sophie gasped, "Will she be alright?" she asked worriedly. This was the first time she had shown anything other than resentment toward Percy.

"If anyone can figure this out she can." I said staring intently at Percy.

These people knew our plan, we should have taken into consideration that they would have ways to hear what we are saying.

Percy continued to pound on the cage.

"We need to help her." Sophie said, walking toward the door but Grady blocked her.

"No, this is what Percy signed up for when she decided to become your body guard." Grady said.

I nodded, "You will only get in her way. Percy has a better chance at getting out on her own." I added.

Sophie bowed her head "Fine." She said loud enough for everyone to hear.

Fine? Did Sophie just agree to stay? That one moment of hesitance was enough for Sophie to break free. She jumped out of the window without hesitation.

"Sophie!" I called out, willing her to come back.

There was a deafening crack signaling that she had teleported and sure enough, she appeared next to one of the cloaked figures.

Sophie made a fist and frantically tried to hit anything in her path, managing to gain the upper hand because they were frozen in shock. Wondering how in the world Sophie had managed to teleport, but she was quickly overpowered when they regained their senses.

I jumped out of the window, there wasn't enough time to go down the stairs. With a sickening crunch I knew that one, more then one, of my bones had snapped.

One of the people lunched at Sophie, grabbing her arm. She flailed around knocking of his hood in the process. He had dark brown hair and sky blue eye's, his face was cute and he didn't look at all like he should be in a fight. Nevertheless, he locked Sophie in a tight grip, holding her tightly to his chest, with his free hand he grabbed a knife and brought it to her neck.

"Take one more step and we will slit her throat." he said in a monotone voice. This boy was not someone to mess with, his cute face nothing more than a façade.

One of the other attackers stepped forward, tearing his hood off. The way he held himself, it was clear he was the leader. Everyone looked at him, waiting for his order. The man sneered, a large scar from his collarbone to his eye becoming even more hideous with the movement.

"Oh, and Persephone, surrender and we will let them both go. Alive." He said. His pompous tone was enough to make me want to punch him, but that could wait until Sophie was safe.

"What do you mean surrender peacefully Octavian?" Persephone said from inside the psionipath's barrier.

"You are stupid, but not that stupid Persephone." The man, Octavian, said.

"Yes, well this time you didn't overestimate me. Plans were A-Annabeth's..." Percy trailed off.

"I agree with that, but how do explain how you know what I am talking about? Why aren't you just surrendering?" Octavian said in a bored tone.

Persephone's face went blank from inside the barrier, and she disappeared into thin air.

I should have known she would pull something that. She is just a child it is her instinct to flee from danger. I guess her talk about being raised to be a hero was just that. Talk.

Persephone Jackson and the Lost Cities (Fem! Percy Jackson x KOTLC) ON HAITUSWhere stories live. Discover now