"I can't, I must leave. I can't follow," Cyclone said, although his will power against the two adorable and clever dragonets was lessening.

"Must," Gust repeated back, not that he knew what he said. Still, it was a feat.

"Yes, I must leave," said Cyclone, tugging away from the two without much gain.

"Must follow," Gust tried, getting a stunned expression much like when he said follow without much help. That only solidified it in the little dragonet's mind that he was right. "Must follow."

"No, I can't follow," said Cyclone, snapping out of his surprise long enough to back up the minimal distance they had managed to pull him.

"Can't," said Gust, giving a much harsher tug than before with his sister backing him. In the background, Storm was dimly saying Cyclone's name over and over again or trying to copy her brother.

"Yes, I can," Cyclone said, feeling a little ridiculous that he was fighting a dragonet who was barely ten minutes old over whether or not he could leave.

"No, must follow," Gust countered, attempting a glare at Cyclone that had little to no effect. Again, the ferocity of a kitten at most.

"Gust. I can't stay," Cyclone said, giving Gust a stern gaze that the dragonet shirked away from.

A nudge from Storm brought his attention to her, the dragonet giving her brother an encouraging look that was adorably determined for a tiny dragonet. "Cyclone can stay," Gust said with newfound confidence gained from his sister.

"Cyclone can't stay," Cyclone tried, rapidly losing his will to deny their determined expressions. Not to mention, the awe over Gust's rapid learning didn't help.

"Cyclone can't leave," Gust countered, getting another stunned look that only solidified that that was the right thing to say.

"Stay," Storm said, finally adding in her two cents quite loudly. Loudly meaning flashing brightly.

"I must leave," said Cyclone, protesting much more weakly than he had been.

"Cyclone must stay," Gust said with gusto, clearly sensing Cyclone's lack of will. A shark to blood, you could say.

"Fine," said Cyclone, closing the door behind them with his tail. He moved closer to them, getting grins from both of them.

"Yes!" 'shouted' Gust, barreling into Cyclone with a hug. Storm quickly joined in on the bandwagon, 'shouting' the same thing and joining in on the hug.

"Okay okay, calm down," said Cyclone, chuckling a little as he separated from the hyper dragonets. He herded them over to one of the ledges that acted as a bed, waiting until they sat down before talking again. "Gust, how did you know?"

Gust gave Cyclone a blank look, trying to piece together the rapid flashes. "How did?" he tried, his face screwing up into the look that he got when he messed up their names.

"Yes, how did you know?" Cyclone asked, more curious how this would work out.

Despite Gust's obvious confusion, Storm looked confident in her brother. That was enough to get Gust to forge on with only a little hesitation. "You know?" asked Gust, trying to piece together the question.

"No, I don't know," joked Cyclone, an amused grin making it onto his face as he tried to squash it down. It didn't work.

"I don't know," Gust repeated.

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