"Whatever. Addie, you're a senior, right?" He asks. I raise an eyebrow, then nod.

"Yeah, I am," I say. He grins.

"Yes! I'm not going to be the only one now!" He seems overjoyed by my confirmation. I roll my eyes and gesture to the bags.

"Are we going inside or not?" I ask. Alec nods and gestures inside. I follow the two of them inside and see a big entryway, followed by a grand staircase. There was a big wood staircase on the left wall, and a railing that looked over at the door. After the staircase, I could see a living space. With a large gray couch, and I think I see a matching chair. The living room has dark wood floors, much like what I assume covers the rest of the house.

To the right was an archway that led to a large kitchen that was bigger than the first floor of Tom's house. And to the left, infront of the staircase, was a large wooden door that was closed.

"That's Aiden's office," Alec says. I nod and take a step down. "Just put your stuff there we'll get it in a minute."

I do as told and put my bags down. I follow Axel and Alec into the living room. The couch was infront of a large TV. And there was yet another archway that led into a game room. Yes, a game room. Not just board games, and cards, but consoles and screens. Through the window I see another building, which I assumed was a guest house.

There was a small door which Axel told me led to a bathroom. And another one in the living room. They then showed me the kitchen which had a large pantry, bigger than my old room.

Then they took me upstairs. They told me which room belonged to who, showed me where the laundry room was, and then we made it to the end of the hall. Axel grinned at me and opened the door.

"This is your room," he tells me. I walk inside and couldn't help my shock. The walls were painted an off white, and there was a large queen size bed with green bedding on the right wall. On the opposite wall was a TV, and bookshelves framing it. Beside the bookself on the right, was a desk. It had a laptop, small lamp with a green shade to match the bed, and a nice comfortable looking deskchair. Again, green. On the opposite wall to the door were large glass doors that led to a balcony facing the backyard. The trees. There was a dark grey carpet, covering the center of the room. On each side of the bed was doors, a slightly different shade of white than the walls. On the wall above my bed were pictures. Most of which, I didn't recognize. They were mainly four boys, and a baby. Two of the boys were older, while the other two were probably one or two.

The baby was me. And those boys were my brothers. Brothers I don't even know. Brothers, I don't want to know.

There was one picture of a smiling woman who looked remarkably like me, holding a baby. Well, I'm the baby. So, I'm assuming, that's my mother. But the image that makes a small smile appear on my face is the picture of Maggie and I on my sixteenth birthday. She made a special visit just to take me out to dinner that night. She didn't really have the money for it, and I knew that, but she insisted on taking me to a nice meal and getting me a birthday cake. That's the same year she told me she was getting married, and invited me.

"Maggie did this," I say, a little quietly. I glance over at the boys who were studying me.

"Yeah, we asked her if she knew what you would like," Alec says. I scoff.

"Please, she knows more about me than I do," I say. It's not really a lie. She knows more about my past than anybody else, including myself. I glance around the room again, noticing the bedside tables this time.

After a moment, Alec speaks again. "Yeah, well, that's your bathroom, and that's the closet," he tells me, pointing to the right door then the left one. I nod and go to leave the room. "Uh, where are you going?" He asks.

"To get my stuff," I say. Axel grins and jumps like a toddler.

"I'll get it!" He exclaims and runs off before I can say anything.

"He acts two," I say flatley. Alec chuckles and nods.

"Yeah, pretty much," he says. I walk back into the room and look at the pictures. There was one lamp on each bedside table, and I see a box on the right one. I furrow my brow and walk over to it.

When I grab the box and open it up, I see a note. When I unfold it I smile softly, seeing Maggie's handwriting.

I know keeping this from you for as long as I have wasn't fair. But, I couldn't tell you until things were offical. Your brothers seem nice, and I've met them all. Abel seems a little tense, but I'm sure everything will work out perfectly.
I do hope you like the room, and that you spotted the picture of you and I. Call me when you get the chance. I love you, sweetie, and I hope you enjoy your gift. Because even though you have found your family, you will always be a part of mine.


I put the note down and look in the box. I smile when I see it. It was a simple pair of earrings to anyone else. But, to me, they're more than that. They're Maggie's earrings that I've loved since I was a little girl. I used to ask for them all the time, but she said I couldn't.

When I would ask why she would tell me that they're part of her family, handed down in every generation since her great grandmother. I smile looking at them.

"What is it?" I hear Axel ask, and feel him sit next to me. I look over at him and raise an eyebrow. He looks confused. "What?"

"It's earrings." I say simply, putting the note back in the box and closing it.

"Oh," he sounds bored. "Well, are you hungry, because I am." I was immediately confused.

"Um, no," I say. It's probably seven or eight at this point. But, I'm used to skipping a couple meals.

"Are you sure?" Alec asks. I look up and nod.

"Yeah, I'm not hungry."

"Well, did you eat at school?" Axel asks. I shake my head.

"No, but I'm fine." They exchange a look and Alec shakes his head.

"No, I'm gonna go start making dinner. You can shower and unpack if you want, Axel will come get you when it's ready."

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