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Izuku's P.O.V.

"When's training gonna start? Class is so boring. I already know high school curriculum, including UA's from third to first years." For the rest of the day, I whined to Aizawa during class and commented or answered a question or two from the teachers and my new classmates.

Roughly five hours and nine minutes later, the bell rang for lunch and Aizawa-sensei released all of them for lunch. "Finally!" I cheered, hopping off Aizawa. "C'mon Ai-kun! I'll treat you to lunch. I know you want more of my Bat Blend coffee." At the mention of coffee, he perked up and raced towards the cafe. I laughed and sprinted after him on the rooftops.

The small bell dinged, alerting everyone inside that new people just entered. As Dabi raised his head to ask for our orders, I glomped him. "Izu?!" He yelped in surprised. "When did you get back?!"

"This morning as far as I know. I'm sorry if I gave you and the fam a scare when Wayne forwarded the recorded note about me being hit with another time quirk." I murmured, nuzzling him. "Those are getting annoying to deal of." I huffed, pouting.

"Then stop going out to patrol then." He chuckled, patting my head. "So, what d'you two want for lunch? As always, it's on the house since you're an owner of this establishment too. I still have no idea how you managed to give me a new legal identity and frankly, I don't really wanna know."

"Anything! So long as it's edible and I want a strawberry smoothie too. Aizawa here wants another thermos of the Bat Blend so I'll make that for him." I said, getting off of my beloved brother. Dabi gave me a grin and set to work on making my smoothie while he sent my order to the kitchen. "Also, I'm part of Kacchan's class now because I lost a bet and as agreed, I'll be joining them now. I don't wanna have to go through high school again!" I whined.

"Doing it virtually doesn't count otouto." Dabi frowned. "If I'm going to be honest with you, I think it's a good thing you lost. Now you'll get to make some friends your age instead of running around fighting criminals and managing money and an entire app. Making friends with mafias and getting them to work something out with the police force to be somewhat legal isn't exactly something regular 15 year old kids do on a daily to weekly basis y'know." I pouted at him, unknowingly projecting an image of a bunny. "Going to school might do you some good Izuku. We were getting worried that you might start becoming an anti-social workaholic because of how much you spent time working."

"Right, I'll try." I relented, brewing the coffee. "Hey Ai-kun, d'you think I'll be allowed to work at the labs with the support course? I wanna know what Powerloader's opinions on my toys as an inventor." I brought out the wines and alcohols I required for the Bat Blend.

"Sure." Aizawa shrugged. "Talk to Nezu about that. I don't particularly care. Oh and All Might told me that today, for training, you'll be playing hide and seek." Dabi paled and I lit up like a Christmas tree with a psychotic grin plastered on my face. "Since you're new and literally just joined today, he's letting you go alone or bring someone in with you." My smile widened, scaring Aizawa.

"Good." I purred happily. "I'll bring my imoto in with me. We won't and don't mind playing mice." Aizawa shivered and inched away from me. "Don't worry, we'll make sure to avoid sending your students to the infirmary." 

After lunch, Aizawa and I returned to school with his coffee and my strawberry smoothie. Three hours after lunch, Nezu alerted me through the speakers about Eri's arrival and I was out of the classroom in a split second. She had brought along my spare glasses and both of our computers with her plus my drawing pad. "Hey Izu!" She greeted me with a shut eyed grin before harshly sucker punching me by the chest and knocking the wind out of my lungs. "That's for being gone for so long." I said nothing and weakly groaned from the floor.

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