Extra! Extra!

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Izuku's P.O.V.

After at least five hours of patrolling around the city, I decided to call it a night and began my way back to the dump. Of course, I made sure to avoid cameras and make sure I wasn't being followed, tracked, or watched by anyone. During my trip back, I came across another bank robbery, a bus hijacking, and at least three more muggings. Of course, being the kind of person I was, I stepped in every time and stopped the crimes swiftly and disappeared like I'd used to back in the Pre-Quirked era.

The next morning, I woke up early and started warming up for my daily routine. I started gathering intel again and figured a way to my other temporary home by the street while eating my breakfast. I also drew up a new device to add to the truck since I could get pulled over by the police if they say me, a child no older than ten years, driving on the road in a truck without a license. That, not only would be a strange sight, but would also actually be catastrophic since I didn't really want the government putting me in the system with other orphans. I know what they do in there- especially to quirkless individuals. (Horrible reviews on them by the way. I may or may not have been purging some places [orphanages, abusive adoptive, and foster homes] of horrors and improving other issues.

Since I was busy with other personal problems, (mainly because it concerned my survival and future) I hadn't bothered to check the news at all. And since I'd went on patrol the night before, I felt a little more accomplished since I felt like I had gained myself some rest. Even though I had slept after my patrol, I still felt the need for more sleep so before I took a nap, I decided to watch and browse the internet for news about myself. I nearly spit out my water when I found a news report on me and actually did spit my drink out when I'd found their verdict over my case. To everyone else, I was officially dead. According to the report, they'd sent out a manhunt for me but since nothing turned up after half a year of searching, they declared me deceased like my mother who had actually died. Strangely, I found it amusing yet at the same time, I felt a little closer to my loved ones from the past who I assumed to all be dead as well.

I used my skills in hacking and searched every database in the world, local and international, for any sign of my files. Wayne assisted me which made things easier too. We found my files under "deceased" and I couldn't help but burst into laughter. We moved my files out of the system permanently without a trace and placed them into a safer database. The Wayne Manor. Why would I call it a safer database? Well, it's simple. The ENTIRE thing shows up in Latin text which today, no one knew anything about other than a few base words because let's just be honest, Latin is old even back in the Pre-Quirked era. It's a base language. Since we moved my information into the Manor database, everything was translated into Latin and a new file replaced the empty space that used to hold my files. What was the new file you ask? Well, the new file held a false identity. One that after years and years of lost history was now a forgotten individual. A sad thing really, the boy used to be famous. But despite that, Wayne changed the photo to look more like the boy had been born in Japan as a local.

After all that tedious work, I set an alarm to allow me a four-hour nap. When I reawakened, it was time for lunch and I felt rejuvenated. I ate as Wayne and I browsed the internet and the digital gossip network of Japan. I told him which to take note of and which ones to ignore. Wayne, the ever-helpful AI of mine, of course, did everything I asked of him so long as it was in his power to do so. I also worked on the truck by adding a computer into the frame. What was the computer for? Well, it was to give me a working outlet that not only was portable but also moved with me.

Remember that little device I'd inserted earlier in the morning? Well, I tuned it and made sure it functioned properly. The reason for the check-in is simple. I was going to move everything that night. Why? Because people were getting suspicious about the dump I'd been living in and other teens have started to come as a challenge or something to find the rumored "devil who lives at the dump" and it was honestly getting annoying. Really annoying. Not to mention dangerous since the "devil" only came out at night. That meant kids were wandering around outside after their curfews! I mean, I don't count because at least I know how to fight back for myself while staying legal! (Granted, I was barely staying in line but you know what I mean!) They don't even bring at least a single adult with them! Like c'mon, don't they have a common sense these days? Apparently not because they're practically asking to get into trouble! What are they gonna do if they get attacked huh? Scream? At night? There's barely any heroes who do night shifts. It's one of the reasons why vigilantes are more active under the moonlight! And the most irritating thing about it all is that while none of them have been harmed, many of them did get into trouble! Some were nearly kidnapped, almost mugged, sexually harassed, hell- they even almost got murdered on the damn streets! And even though they went through a ton of danger, they won't stop coming back! In Kacchan's terms: "Those damned shitty extras don't fucking know when to fucking stop shit. They're all fucking morons." And for once, I agreed.

During patrols, I try again and again to tell them to stop the challenge and just stay at home where it's safer. What do they do? They take it as an encouragement to do it again! They're all lucky that I even save their pathetic, helpless souls from dark shit! Once, there was an idiot who got offered drugs on the street as bait. Since the idiot wasn't alone, (neither was the criminal anyway) he dragged his friends along with him for the trouble. I had to save all seven of them and the ungrateful twerps didn't even call the authorities! They didn't even say "thanks" and even ordered me to take them home! I did find some other incidents that didn't have an underage victim but those were actually gangs and more dangerous "syndicates" as I used to call them. 

Then one night, I was in a bad mood and only fought villains. I knocked every single one of my enemies and when they "offended" me, I would only growl like a wolf before pouncing on them and quickly beating them up. Since I also wore a different suit that night, no one recognized me as Robin. And since I didn't say anything at all and had zero witnesses, they started calling me Zero. Why? Because no one saw me coming- not even the cameras. And as Robin, I never bothered to avoid cameras, and neither did I knock out the victims when I fought villains. Then at a single mistake, I was pushed in front of a camera and it managed to get a moment of clarity. That moment was enough to give everyone a clear photo of what I looked like wearing my second costume. It annoyed me to no limit when I found out about it since I worked hard to avoid everyone's line of sight. Sounds easy enough when said right? Well, let me tell you that it isn't easy. I had to constantly train myself in the art of avoiding cameras and people or anything that would be able to give anyone a look at me. I even got faster! 

I started wearing leg weights and arm weights to make myself heavier in an attempt to make me faster! (Yes, the weights were heavy and I couldn't move at all until I got used to them) I slowly added more and more pounds to the heavyweights and I soon got used to wearing them every waking hour. I even wore them while I walked around the city! Of course, no one noticed me wearing them because I made them look like leg warmers and hid the ones hanging from my arms with long sleeves. 

I also started wearing feminine clothes since I began to prefer the over masculine ones. Though it didn't come without a price. Boys started to stalk me and girls began to gain jealousy since I started taking the attention of every hormonal boy in my age group who laid their eyes on me. It wasn't even my fault! Why were they getting mad at me?! If they have a problem, then work something out to make themselves look better than me! I was born with my face and it was never my fault that I was born cute!

I also had some close calls when I spotted Kacchan in my vicinity. I couldn't have him reporting so I always ran away from him and stayed out of his sight. I don't know how but he did catch a glimpse of me once and from the sound of his reaction, he was pissed. I didn't know why but I also felt another set of eyes on me that weren't Kacchan's. I turned to look and realized that someone was eyeing me like candy then scurried away for two reasons. The first being that a GROWN man was EYERAPING me (fucking rapist and molester!) and then there was Kacchan who didn't seem to recognize me due to my new look. I had grown out my hair which only served to help sell my image of being a girl who looked like Izuku the dead, quirkless boy. If only they knew my real gender. Man, it would've been fun to punch them!

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