Easy Peasy

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Izuku's P.O.V.

Okay, so y'all know how my life basically went for a few years. Great! If you got lost back in the previous chapters or just didn't read them at all, too bad. 

Okay, so maybe I thought that being a vigilante was kind of a stupid idea. Then I warmed up to it being very familiar to the concept. And besides! It wasn't like I've broken rules and laws before! Back in the Pre-Quirked era, I had broken a ton of laws and threaded myself through a few too so doing it in an era that was focused solely on quirks was pretty easy. 

Like I'd mentioned to the Greek council before, the meaning of vigilante was revamped when quirk laws popped up. How did I know which ones were meaningless to me and which ones were acceptable for me to ignore? Again, easy thing to answer and my reply is: Habit. 

Due to habit, I picked up a law book and read it from cover to cover. I studied law and I could practically be a lawyer and/or a policeman since I actually got a degree on both! The law also got me curious and since I remembered that Bruce had told me some very important points to being a vigilante, I may or may not have returned to my old habits when I told my mom about my experience in the Pre-Quirked era. One of those old habits happened to be learning law. Plus, I also kinda regained the old-new habit of mine that I used to do before I got sent to the past. Learning about quirks. Both habits actually helped a lot and learning about quirks made me realize that quirks were just superpowers.

Since I technically grew up in a world without quirks first, I took it in stride and it was quite easy to adapt to being bullied for not having one. To be honest, it wasn't hard to ignore their teasing and their verbal pity. Why was it easy to ignore them? Because they weren't anywhere near as bad as Joker or the other mentally unstable criminals once were during my life in Pre-Quirk Gotham. Even though they were horrible, (They were terrifying!) they actually made my current life easier since I've had to deal with crazy or "impossible" stuff all the time in the past. (Not to mention keep everyone safe, property damages low, and our identities secret while fighting villains at the same time. You try it! It's hard!)

Anyway, by the first year of middle school, I was stuck juggling three issues. School. Homework. And the most important one, Management. 

Homework wasn't hard, I actually finished most of my school work in school. 

School just took up a lot of my time while the teacher kept yapping about things I already knew so instead of listening, I started to work on designs in class. I had been fortunate to have had completed my research on old mythology. 

(I had requested for my family in the Pre-Quirked era to keep some files alive so they could reach me. They'd asked about why and I gladly told them the idea. To say that they were proud would be an understatement. They actually started piling as much mythology as they could into the database under the label "GameMyths" and even split it so it had a Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Nordic, and Asian folders. [I think they snuck in some theories about another secret country called Wakanda too. I don't know much about that one]) 

I started drawing rough sketches for the newest Roman updates since the Roman branch currently only had the Greeks as their source of entertainment. A couple students noticed my attention wasn't on the "torture" they had so they got a bit jealous and even more so when the teacher didn't bother me due to my excellent grades. They claimed I was cheating and had asked the teacher to give me the test early. (I excelled anyway so they left me alone. [Finally!]) I guess Kacchan had heard rumors about me being the best academic student of the school after our second year in middle school because he started hunting me down in our third year. When he finally cornered me, I didn't have any cover to my true identity so he called me the first thing that came to mind. "Deku?!"

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