Away with Trash bags

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Izuku P.O.V.

Okay, so I promised to do patrols with the underground hero. Great! But he didn't need to know that I broke it constantly. I mean, I do start my patrol earlier than he does and I stay out longer than he usually does as well. (Don't tell, he doesn't need to know!) Anyway, after I left Eraserhead, I avoided cameras and returned to my truck. I had driven it into an old warehouse that had been abandoned for years now and it was a little hidden from everyone since it was built between the public line of the "red zone", which was where the more dangerous people (like villains, criminals, etc.) and the poorer population lived, and the "clean" city where decent and boring people lived in. In the underground networks, the "clean" city was the hunting grounds of many vigilantes, underground heroes, and villains alike- with different preys of course. 

The warehouse was still standing strong and seeing it as my possible main "house", I got my hands on construction supplies. Cement, bars, garage door, a sliding door- I had it! Instead of taking down the walls and everything, I reinforced and set up walls within the building. I finished off the walls with a layer of bricks and resin (Yeah, you heard me! It's RESIN!) so my walls were... interesting to see since it was a mix of see-through colors and random scraps of metal and old wires in the wall itself. For the floor, I COVERED it in cement and raised some places higher than others. The garage floor is a lift and I can technically store two cars into the garage along with the motorcycles in the back of my truck. I didn't bother separating the kitchen and the living room since I didn't really put in any carpet, I decided to just have it as a living room, a kitchen, and a dining room together. As for how anyone was going to have access to the second level of the warehouse, I also installed a pole in the garage to get down quickly and a "bouncer" as I like to call it, in the foyer. I also built the beds into the wall in the bedroom in a bunk bed style but the lower beds were a little dug in into the floor to the level that it should've been had I not raised the floor two inches up from the garage.

Don't get me wrong, I knew I lived alone. But I also knew that if I ever did have to hide anyone, I would need space for them to be comfortable in. So instead of having two beds only, I decided to just make six sleeping cubbies on opposite walls each. I ended up having space for eleven other people but not enough of the resources to keep feeding, educate, and entertain them. Kids have more energy than older people do and they also are very easily distracted- some more than others. I went out to buy some toys and a couple of video games along with a gaming console. I decked out the living room with a huge screen which actually was big enough to cover a full 56 (height) by 108 (length) inches. I also connected it into the internet, to Wayne, to the AI system that Wayne had with the other AIs of my other homes overseas, to a new AI which I named Inko after my birth mother.

While programming Inko, I managed to accurately remake my own biological mother's thinking process. I made her self-aware like Wayne and gave her the ability to express human emotion though not as much as my late mother could. When I was done with her and taught her everything she could do in the warehouse (It was decked with a ton of tech, okay? I wanted someone to keep track of them for me!), Inko practically took over the chores! I also got her a robot body in a slimmer, younger form of herself. How did I know how she looked like before she had me? Simple. I had managed to save an entire book of her photos into a thumb drive before the fire had happened. But I knew she would never be exactly like my late mother and that was okay because I had her in my heart. AI Inko had her voice, her knowledge, and her thinking process but AI Inko didn't have Mother Inko's memories, emotions, or capabilities. AI Inko had more power in terms of violence but Mother Inko had more than enough to make up and would probably have been able to take down AI Inko's body. And since I couldn't get her something similar to my mother's quirk, I decided to deck AI Inko with a few non-lethal weaponry and rockets as well as a suit to add onto her already metal body. I also made sure that her systems were all waterproofed since I didn't want her short-circuiting on me and I enhanced her body so she can carry heavy loads without a problem. Of course, since she's artificial, there was a limit as to how much further I could enhance her.

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