Chapter 39: Better

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          Y/N didn't feel pain when she woke up. She just felt tired. Exhausted as soon as she opened her eyes, but that was soon easily pushed aside.

          The low light allowed her eyes to adjust quickly, and for a few moments she didn't comprehend what she was seeing. She was on a mat, in a familiar looking tent, with familiar faces around her, but everything was quickly blurred by tears.

          "Dad!" She sobbed, tackling her father as she sat up, earning laughs from the men around her. Sokka was there as well, everyone sitting around a central map. 

          "Y/N, you're finally awake." Hakoda pulled away enough to push stray strands of hair from her face. "I missed you dearly, my daughter. How do you feel?"

          "Tired. Confused. Happy." She listed with a tight laugh. "What happened? Where are we, how did we get here?"

          "You were out for a few days after your crazy magic stunt you pulled. We split the group up, and we are planning to meet up later. Toph is visiting family, Aang is learning weird spiritual stuff from a Guru guy, and Katara stayed back in Ba Sing Se to help with planning the invasion." Sokka said quickly, and Y/N stared at him.

          "Magic stunt? Guru? Invasion? Wait, where's Jet?" Her eyes widened as she began to remember more.

          "Slow down, Sokka, she just woke up." Hakoda reminded him, and Sokka smiled brightly.

          "Don't you worry about Jet. You saved his life. He was transported back to Ba Sing Se and recovering quickly. I am so. Proud. Of you." He grabbed her shoulders, laughing. "It was one of the most disturbing, but amazing things I've ever seen. But you did what you said you would! Hear that, Y/N? He's alive because of you!"

            "Stars above..." Y/N sighed, leaning on her father. "It worked. I can't believe it." She took a deep breath. "What did you say about an invasion?" Jet's alive and apparently doing well, that's good enough for me.

          "A possible way to beat the Fire Nation before the comet, strike first if you will."


                              Zuko's POV

          Zuko felt better. 

          Not just better, but absolutely amazing. 

          He had made the right choice, and suffered a terrible sickness, but now he was up and feeling the best he had felt since he had been exiled. He felt free, like he could go his own path once again. He would never return to the trapped feeling that gripped at him before.

          The only pang in his heart was that Y/N had disappeared. After the quest for the Avatar's bison, the group had vanished from the city as far as he knew, and he hadn't seen her since.

          She was probably miles away once again.

          Still, his head was in the clouds, and heart in the sky.

          When Zuko saw her again, he would tell her everything. He would tell her about the wondrous freedom, and lift the burden from her shoulders.

          "You don't have to kill me." Zuko looked at himself in the mirror, imagining Y/N by his side, her beautiful smile making the day even brighter. "We can be together. Here in Ba Sing Se. Look at the life we have here." 

          He knew she would stop at nothing to end the war, but she would find him again. They always did. They would work to survive, for eachother.

          The Jasmine Dragon was up and starting business already, Iroh was happy as a man could be, and Zuko was right up there with him.

          He could actually have this. A peaceful life in the great city, living with his uncle and helping with the tea shop. Walks with Y/N through the streets, trying new foods, laughing, talking. Maybe after the war he could even visit home. Would he be allowed home? If not, did it truly matter? He would have everything he'd ever wanted. 

          His throne?

          He pushed the thought away quickly, his content thoughts diminishing for a moment.

          Zuko wouldn't think about that. He didn't need it. 

          "Zuko, we have been invited to serve tea to the Earth King himself!" Iroh peeked his head into the room. "What an opportunity! We should be honored!"

          "Of course, uncle!" Zuko smiled brightly. This was a huge opportunity. They were very lucky for their success in the past week.

          This was the life he wanted.

          Really short chapter, a calm before the storm. Chapter 40 is going to be a long one, the season 2 finale. Strap in folks, it's time for blood, sweat, and a whole lot of tears.

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