Chapter 29: I Will

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          The knives came fast, and Y/N was ready, making a water whip and slicing them from the air. Katara was careful with Ty Lee now, keeping her distance as they fought. 

          Sokka and Y/N switched off, stepping in when the other would get pinned to a tree or rock. Mai was pushed back quickly with both of them, eventually Sokka managed to nailed her in the back of the head with his boomerang. 

          Y/N managed to freeze Mai in place before Ty Lee got her from behind. A sharp hit in her shoulder, back, and arms, and her bending was gone, leaving her to block the next few hits with her hands. Ty Lee was fast, and Y/N was barely able to defend herself as it was, every now and then she would get her again, making it harder to move.

          Eventually, she was stumbling onto the ground, basically paralyzed, as Sokka tried defending her, receiving the same treatment. He flopped in the ground, trying to struggle upright, but nothing was working properly anymore.

          They were saved by a flying bison tail.

          Appa slammed his tail on the ground, knocking both Fire Nation girls into the river.

          "We need to find Aang." Katara urged. Y/N and Sokka looked up at her with annoyed looks, unable to stand, much less get back onto Appa. Momo flew over, landing on top of Y/N's head and chattering encouragement to both of them.

          "Oh, I forgot." Katara said teasingly. "Do my big siblings need some help?"

          "Shut up, sassy pants, and get us up on the bison before I smack you." Y/N grumbled, managing to flop herself over on her stomach in attempt to stand, but she ended up looking like a weird lizard, her limbs uncomfortably tangled up.

          "You could try." Katara knelt next to her sister.

         "We will hurt you, Katara, don't you have a boyfriend to save? Hurry up." Sokka muttered.


          Y/N was shaking her arms around the whole trip, following the fur trail Aang left. They quickly found out that Katara's healing power helped a lot, and Y/N was bending, if shakily, in minutes. 

          Sokka complained about being sore a lot, but he was also moving fine, something they would have to keep in mind for the future. Protect Katara from the chi blocking to have a quick recovery person.

          I guess protecting the healer overall is kinda important.Y/N thought with a sigh at her own stupidity. And she's also my little sister... annoying as she may be.

          Aang didn't go far, and they came to an abandoned town quickly, where Azula stood over him, about to deliver a huge attack. Katara jumped off Appa before he even landed, smacking Azula away with a jet of water. 

          Y/N jumped down soon after, whipping out her water to meet Azula's attacks as she quickly recovered from Katara, trying to go after Aang again. She was quickly joined by Iroh, Toph, and Sokka, who all moved in to corner Azula. 

          She took a quick glance at Iroh, and noticed who stood next to him, resisting the urge to break formation and run to Zuko.

          "I give up." Azula announced, raising her hands in surrender, looking at all seven of them warily. Y/N couldn't relax, studying her for a few moments as she smiled slyly. 

          Then the princess was moving, firing a concentrated attack at Iroh. Y/N screamed in horror, desperately bending water to try meeting the attack in time, her panicked breath turning the water into ice on accident. 

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