Chapter 56: Safe

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          First, an apology. Author-Chan here straightup dipped for like a month, and we hit 200k awhile ago, that chapter isn't done, I'm having trouble making it fun and not boring. Sorry about that, and ditching, I've been working on a few fanfiction projects with a friend of mine, one of which something we got really excited about, and I kinda threw my Wattpad account on the back burner.

          [What could be so important? Dream SMP Fallen Angel AU, don't judge, we're a bit obsessed.]

          On top of that, I haven't been doing the best mentally, but I'm back, and I appreciate the support, and I'm ready to finish the book! We're getting close to the finale!

           Thank you, everyone, for reading! It's a joy seeing the reactions and comments on my work.

                              Y/N's POV

          "So, you're finally awake. For a bit I thought you'd never open your eyes again." Y/N didn't even register waking up. One moment she was gone, and the next she was there in the cell, aching from her injuries and the cold. She vaguely remembered being moved to a different prison.

          "Ready to kill me yet?" She asked groggily, looking up at Azula, who was leaning on the door. "I'm getting sick of this place." 

          "If you want to leave then you better talk." Azula walked forward calmly, looking down at Y/N's chained figure, sizing her up.

          "No, I don't know what their plans are, where they went, or how strong the Avatar is at this point. How long have I been here? 3 days? A week? I can't tell." Y/N moved a little, stretching a few aching muscles the best she could while the chains restricted her movement.

          "I don't care about that, I can handle them myself." Azula growled, kicking Y/N lightly. "I want to know how you did it."

          "Did what?"

          "Don't play innocent with me. Ty Lee, Mai, even Zuzu. What kind of spell did you put on them to make them turn against me, and how come you haven't done it to me yet?"

          "There are no spells, I'm just quite charming." Y/N smiled up at her, her dry face hurting and crusted with blood. She gritted her teeth and coughed violently as Azula delivered a swift kick to her stomach. 

          "Ok, I was trying to be funny but this clearly isn't the time." She managed to croak.

          "They were willing to help you, even when I stood right in front of them." Azula continued, her calm voice wavering strangely. "You need to tell me why, if you value the lives of you and your friends." 

          "Fear only works as long as you maintain it, it was bound to fall through someday." Y/N recovered what was left of her strength, looking back up at Azula as she spoke. A terrifyingly calm smile crept across the princess' face as she turned. 

          "You're wrong, fear is the best motivator."

          "As much as you would like say that, you don't scare me. You don't scare Mai, or Ty Lee, not enough, not anymore—" Y/N was cut off abruptly as Azula spun around, kicking her in the face. Her head slammed against the wall behind her, and her vision swam, the dim lights in her cell blinking in and out of view. 

          "I don't need them. I don't need anyone. I'll be the Fire Lord soon, and no one can even come close to me. Zuzu, Ty Lee, Mai, they will pay for what they've done." Azula moved to leave, opening the heavy metal door and sniffing dismissively.

          "You won't touch them, not while I'm alive, so you better kill me now if you want to win."

          Azula glanced back at Y/N's battered and bloody form, raising an eyebrow at the smile plastered onto her face.

          She said nothing, closing the door behind her. The lock clicked seconds later.

                              —| § § |—

          Y/N waited, counting the minutes, like she had been for the past days. She knew the day. The comet was coming soon. Azula had come to her cell right before getting ready for her coronation. 

          57, 58, 59, ten minutes. 

          Plink, plonk

          She counted the drops falling from the leaky ceiling, watching the puddle on the floor expand.

          Plink, plink, 45, 46. They really gave a leaky cell to a waterbender. Y/N could feel the heartbeat of the guard right outside the door, blood pumping through his veins at a calm pace. He felt safe. Why wouldn't he? The waterbender prisoner was unstable, weak, and chained so heavily that movement was near impossible and painful. 

          Bending shouldn't be possible, should it? Misinformed fools.

          Twenty minutes. 

          plink, plonk 

          This was how she would die.

          pink, plink

          She would be executed eventually anyways, and she was quite surprised she made it for so long already.

          plonk, plonk...

          Y/N just wished she could see Zuko one last time, before she tore herself apart from insanity, but that was impossible right now, and she's didn't want him anywhere near when it happened.


          She reached out, feeling the blood of the guard outside, one down the hall, three round the corner. The puddle's surface began to shiver uncontrollably.

          Why wouldn't she just do it already? Break out with a loud crash, blood splattering the walls of the palace, decimating thousands before dying to give someone out there a chance to win this war. She was afraid.

          What if she could get out alive? See Zuko again? Katara, Sokka, Aang, Toph, Suki? Spare innocent lives? Could she use the small puddle to get through the thick metal door, completely avoiding bloodbending altogether?

          "You're a coward." Y/N muttered to herself, hanging her head in shame. "You're a coward, and a monster."

          "You are neither." Y/N snapped her head up, startled, as her cell door swung open. He stood in the doorway for a few moments, pushing curly hair from his eyes. "Who told you who you could be?"

          Y/N could only stare in shock as he walked in, gently unlocking and tossing aside the various chains holding her to the floor and wall. The familiar kind smile, dark, almost brown amber eyes.

          "Don't worry, you're safe." He spoke again, and finally Y/N found her voice enough to rasp his name.


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