Chapter 25: Trade

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           The moment Y/N fell through the street, she was caught by an earthbender, who stuck three purple pentapi to her face before walking away. Nothing was said. Sokka ran up to her, inspecting the small animals on her face.

          "Do I get an explanation?" She asked, frowning at the little creatures stuck on her cheeks and forehead.

          "The resistance." Sokka said before scratching the creatures heads to get them to come off.

          "Yeah I gathered that much. I mean why is there little invertebrate friends on my face?" Y/N asked, taking off the other two and dropping them into a water barrel Sokka indicated.

          "We're giving all the citizens 'pentapox' so they can all escape safely." He tapped the little red marks left behind on Y/N's face. 

          "Sounds fun. When do we leave? Where's everyone else?" Y/N was admittedly still confused, but it sounded like this had already been planned out.

          "All here, except Aang, he went to rescue Bumi." Sokka led her over to where Katara waited, talking to an earthbender. Y/N frowned.

          "Alone? He's crazy." She commented, but knew there wasn't much she could really do other than get all these people out.

          "Y/N! You're okay! Good, we asked someone to go get you." Katara smiled, giving Y/N a quick hug. "You just suddenly disappeared on us."

          "I was knocking out the knife girl. Nice hickeys." Y/N pointed out, seeing that a pentapus probably got stuck to her sister's neck.

          "Shut up. Someone was throwing them and a few people got them on their arms and stuff." Katara defended, pointing at the spots on her arm as well. "We should be heading out in a few minutes, everyone here has the new disease, 'pentapox'."


          "Shut up, no one needs your puns."


          The entire process was hilarious. Fire Nation soldiers that had heard of the sudden outbreak screamed when an infected got too close, turning on their heels and running. Y/N even took the liberty of chasing a few for the fun of it, but she had to keep track of the people heading out the front gate, making sure no one strayed or fell behind.

          It took them awhile to get out, but once they had walked a far enough distance, there was cheering and celebrating, the families counting heads to make sure everyone made it. Everything seemed okay, except Aang wasn't back yet, and there was soon to be another problem.

          "Miss Y/N, we have counted heads." Yung, the resistance leader spoke behind her. Uh oh, do we need to go back for people?

          "Who is missing?" She asked, gasping in surprise as something wrapped around her leg. She looked down to see an adorable little boy grasping onto her pant leg, giggling. He wore Fire Nation clothing.

          "No one missing, but one extra." 


          Aang returned right before the message came. A Fire Nation messenger hawk swooped from the sky, pink from the rising sun. Y/N took the responsibility on herself to read it, Katara, Sokka, Aang, and Yung waiting in silence.

          "They want to trade Tom Tom for Bumi." She summarized. "Which works since we were planning on taking the kid back anyways, but this has 'trap' written all over it." She passed the letter to Yung, who read it over himself.

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