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Start from the beginning

Everybody's eyes snapped towards her some with surprise some with anger. "Sister, are you questioning the dark lord's decision?" Asked Bellatrix.

"I wouldn't dare my lord, but if we kill them right now there is nothing to hold against him," she said, bowing and keeping her eyes on the floor.

Narcissa herself did not know why she was doing this, out of sympathy? Did she feel like she owed them? The only thing she was sure of was that these people had helped keep her son safe.

"Very well, but I happen to have something better in mind," Voldemort said before facing the 4 in front of him.

"He will think you are dead, your son would see you all die in his dream. His world is going to shatter and when he is weak I am going to strike."

Panic? Worry? No word could describe the emotion that flashed in all their eyes.

"No" begged James, but it was too late.

Voldemort stood in the middle, both his hands holding his head. The dark, cold eyes darting at nothing in particular.

"Done. He thinks you all dead", said Voldemort looking at his newly captured prisoners in the eye. "Legilimency can work wonders if you put it to good use." He was proud and satisfied with his work as he left the room.

Leaving behind the 4 who were now believed to be dead but were still alive, fear crippling their hearts along with sadness.


Harry didn't sleep a wink after that, Hemione and Ron dozed off by his side. The twins on the chair nearby. As the sun came through the window he got up.

All night he was up, unintentionally staring at the face of the girl beside him. The moonlight came and went casting her face in black and white, the flames from the fire adding a hint of orange and yellow. Never had he seen something so beautiful.

He went to his room and packed. He wrote some letters. On his way out he left one for Mione to find.

Hey Mione,

I don't know what to say. I don't know why I am writing this. I cannot stay here, I cannot go home. I am going somewhere for a while to stay alone. He will come for me and I cannot have you near me, not right now when I cannot defend anybody. Tell everyone that I am no longer at Hogwarts,

I saw you sleep the whole night, thinking of how much I wanted to slip into your mind. See the dreams that made you smile. But I have to leave.

As long as I can dream, I want to dream of you.



He left for 12 Grimmauld Place, leaving this by her and slipping a letter next to Draco's bed.

He killed them. They are dead. I have said this so many times and I still cannot believe it. I saw it through our mind connections like I have seen him kill countless. I apologize for leaving you in your sadness because they were your family as much as they were mine.

Were, I never that this is the word I will use for them.

I have to leave Draco, I cannot stay here. He is going to look for me and I cannot have anybody getting hurt. Do not come after me, don't tell Hermione where I am. You know the place, where he took us, where Sirius took us. He hated it but he still did because we can use that as a safe house.

Once again, sorry for leaving.



As Harry escaped to the streets of London he missed the reactions of his two friends reading their letters.

Hermione cried while Ginny and Ron hugged her. They couldn't bear seeing their friend cry. Hermione wanted to scream and tell him that the reason she smiled during her dreams was that she dreamt of him.

On the other hand, Draco stared at the picture he had saved with him. It was the one he took with himself the day he ran away, the day Sirius made him feel like he had a home.

It was one of him and Sirius, the old man had signed it saying 'rebelling since 75'. That day Draco signed it too 'rebelling since 95'.


The young boy stopped by his house before reaching the destination. He entered and saw the dark mark left by those disgusting death eaters. A bright green reflection reminding him of those similar flashes that flew out Voldemort's wand.

A skull with a snake coming out from the mouth. He wanted to cast something to remove the mark from the wall that was once covered with bright red wallpaper. Lily wanted white but James had made her adjust for this, telling her that it reminded him of her hair.

He couldn't use magic so he picked a chair next to him and threw it at the wall. The mark shattered but then he looked at the table next to him. A sea blue planner with a calligraphic heading 'Moony and Padfoot's Wedding'.

He picked the book and put it in his bag. He took everything around him in and then picked another chair. This time he threw it at the glass.

He couldn't rest until everything around his was in more than one piece, till all the glass was under his feet, further cracking every time he walked.

He hated seeing everything around him in place, like any moment all those that he has lost will walk in through the door.

Like Sirius would use him as a shield to hide from James again.

Like Remus would scold them both for using a young boy as a barrier again.

Like, he would walk into a room and see them all standing on chairs hiding from a small cockroach and he would join them, again.

He slid further and further down the wall till he could feel the glass piercing him. Harry let out a cry, a scream, but nothing seemed enough.

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