Chapter Six: Hard Leather + INFO!

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Keith's P.O.V.

I glared at her, and she glared back.

What is it with me having to have a starring competition with my mom!

I blinked as i groaned in defeat. She always wins.

"Mom.." I said in embarrassment.

Seriously, what is it with her shipping me and Acxa? She barely knows her, and yet she acted like we've been dating for years!

"What? I was just joking." She said as she chuckled lightly.


"Mom, stop, please." I covered my face as my cheek turned red once more.

"Okay okay, ill let you kids deal with it when the time comes~" she said teasingly, as she gave Acxa a wink.

Acxa blushed, and raised her eyebrows.  I know, im confused too.

'No youre not, you know exactly what she meant.'

'Shut up, dirthead.'

My mind fought again. I swear my brain has lost some cells since the begining of my Paladin career.

"Well, we better get going then, im sure Kolivan is at the dining room already." She continued, and we both nod.

"Come on, we don't wanna be late!" She said, as she took Acxa's hand and mine, and walked fast, as if she was having a slow-race.

Well, im not losing.

"Catch you there!" I said, as i ran ahead of her. Even though both of them wore a dress, theyre still wearing battle boots, so it's going to be pretty difficult to beat them.

"Oh no you don't!" She ran as she dragged Acxa behind her. Poor Acxa, i feel sorry for her.

"Come on Acxa! You don't wanna lose, do you?!" She said exitingly. Acxa went blank for a split second, and nodded. She lets go of mom's hand, and her walk soon turned into a run.

Shit, she's trying to beat me, I need to step up my game.

I accelerated my pace, leaving my mom behind.

These shoes are very itchy, so its pretty difficult to run.

"Slow." A voice said from beside me, as she smirked, and ran right pass me. Oh no you don't.

"Im just testing you!" I said from behind, as i quickly caught up.

Were now in the same line, trying to beat each other in very uncomfortable shoes.

Shit, there's Blades walking slowly in front of me, blocking the way.

"Out of the way!" We screamed in sync, as they looked at us and quickly ran.


"Watch out!"

"Hey, careful!"

They all said, but we don't care.

We ran, avoiding more Blades in front of us.

The dining room! We're almost there!

"Im not gonna mislay just because youre a girl, Acxa." I said in between my steps.

"So do i, mama's boy." She said with a smirk. Oh, using names arent we?

I took a deep breath, and ran as fast as i could.

Passing trough her, and almost reaching the dining room.

Im almost there!

Suddenly, I felt my feet above ground, and----

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